1; No Pressure

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The door opened and your limp body fell onto the cold, hard ground. To anyone else the floor would have been cold, but it seemed warmer than you at this point.

You stood up knowing that you would have been told to anyway. You were wearing a scratty night gown, barefoot. You looked like you just stepped out of a vintage dress shop then thrown into a horror movie. The dress had the red company logo on the left side. On your back it said 47z The men always referred to you as 47 so you figured it was your name.

"Follow us," One man said, he stood on the left of you holding a taser. The blue light reflected in your eyes, the power you could achieve just by possessing such item was unbelievable. You refused to move. The men tried to push you forward but your feet stayed put, almost digging into the ground. "Move." He voice was stern and echoed down the empty hallways. You shook your head.

You knew they would take you to a testing room. It was inevitable. That's all they did, prod and poke you with needles. Like a guinea pig. Right now one of three would happen, testing, a mission, or sent to your cell.

The men had enough and gripped your shoulders and pushed you forward making you stumble forward a little. They picked you up by the bicep and dragged you along the corridor. You raised your legs and started thrashing and silently screaming. You tried your best to be removed from their death grip.

"Stop moving." The man on your left spat. You ignored him and only moved more. He took the taser and hit you in your side making the left side of your body sting with pain. Goosebumps ran over your skin but you knew that you should ignore the pain. Feeling the pain only made matters worse, no matter how bad it was you should shut up and deal with it. No one cares it you're injured. Pain means you're weak.

You couldn't respond to anyone because earlier in your life, when you were first taken you would scream and shout every time you were punished so they tore your vocal cords and now you couldn't speak, all you would hear was air escaping your lungs. Now you can't be bothered to try. You were naturally bilingual with fifty-two languages, only one short of the Winter Soldier. He was a ghost story and Hydra has just lost tabs on the guy. He left for a mission and never remained.

A while back they operated on you and put some purple liquid into your veins, it hurt like hell and burnt, you couldn't scream so tears just escaped your eyes. It gave you advancements, one being able to read people minds, that one was easy to find out, but others were more difficult. You were trained everyday for as long as you could remember, occasionally sent out on missions, mind controlled, sent to kill people, get what they wanted. The chip was still implanted in your skull.

All you knew in life was fight and kill. Only ever given just the right amount of food to survive.

The guards carried you down many corridors, turning multiple corner before being thrown, quite literally, into a room. The room was bare, stone and dark. There was no light other than the flickering one you could see through the barriers. The guards stood with their back to you. There was a bed to your left, not a normal bed, just a wooden board on the side of the wall.

You laid on the 'bed' and starred at the ceiling and played with your dirty blonde hair. It was cold and tough. You were decorated with scars and bruises, almost like a Christmas tree, except you weren't as happy as one. You had no joy, and definitely no lights.

Your cell was alone, there was no others down your corridor and that confused you. Usually its every spare space there was a cell, inhabiting poor souls. Your thoughts came to a halt when an alarm went off and red flashing lights sprayed the interior of the building. The guards outside your cell called out and left, you were left alone, rookie mistake, now was your chance to escape.

You rose to your feet and walked cautiously towards the gate trapping you in. You slipped your thin hand between the railing and pulled on the lock, you didn't have a key so you yanked it off and it fell to the ground with an echoing crash, the alarm was that loud no one heard it, thankfully.

You opened the gate and walked down the hallway were you ended up behind two guards. They were shooting something. You pushed your hand in front of you and used your powers to snap one mans neck. You ran quickly to the body and ripped the hand gun from his belt, just as the other man started to pull you off him. You turned over and kicked him before shooting three bullets, one in his stomach, one in his chest and another in his throat.

You stood up and stepped over the dead bodies, clutching the gun. Down the hall was a woman with short red hair dressed in a black, leather, skin tight suit was fighting someone.

Down the hall on your left was a man, he was fighting some people with a bow and arrow. The guards don't use bows and arrows, you thought. He had a good shot he saw everything coming. But you don't know if he were good or bad, assuming he were good, you used your powers to take the guns of the guards fighting the man and woman.

The guns hover in the air for while before dropping them with a thud. You then ran down the corridor and started to attack one of the men behind the woman. You grabbed his neck from the back and dragged him to the ground.

You chocked him out with your powers and raised him up at the same time, he grasped him neck even though there was nothing there, his face purple before he passed out from lack of oxygen, at this point you let him down, not gently, you just let go.

The woman has just finished fighting the last guy and witnessed what you did, as you leave your arm went back down to your side she looked at you in disbelief. As if she hadn't seen it before, you didn't have to read her mind to know what she was thinking, she was impressed, and concerned, but why would anyone care.

The guy down the hallway saw you too, and he was shocked, he was kinda scared not gonna lie, he didn't know if he was more scared of the men here or you. You wanted to say something but you couldn't, your throat hurt, before you processed what you just did.

"Hey, are you okay?" The woman questions looking into eyes, you nod, your only way of communication, "We're going to get you out of here." Her voice was soothing and calm, but you shake your head. If they find you outside, you're dead meat. 

(Lacey P.O.V)

"Natasha, nice to meet you, we're gonna get you out of here safely and we can find your parents." I shake my head, I was frozen, I knew what that meant, I wasn't from this generation, my parents were probably dead. Well, my mom, I never met my dad. They tried to brainwash me so many times but it never worked, that's why they froze me and threatened to kill me if I didn't kill others.

"We'll take you get some blood tests and we'll give you pen and paper to write down what you're saying, how does that sound?" She says braking into a smile. I nod my head. "You can call me Nat by the way," she says before leading the way out.

"Hey Clint," She says before Clint walks over, "How do we get her out?" The way out is a rope through a hole, I could easily climb it, I grab the rope, making sure it's secure before I start climbing it, "Uhh, Nat, I don't think we have to worry about her," he says looking up to me half way up already, Nat turns around to see me nearly at the top, "Well that solves the problem," she then waits for me to reach the top before climbing up after me, when she reaches the top she tells Clint to come up.

"No pressure," she yells with a smirk as he climbs up the rope, I spot the arrow bending I think he can make it up in time, he reaches to grabs the side and just as he does it snaps, almost immediately I grab his hand before he falls, and he's just hanging there from me, I reach for his other hand and I have hold of both his hands, I pull him up carefully so he doesn't hit himself on the sides of the gap. He grabs the side and pushes himself up. "You're never gonna let me forget this are you?" He says looking up at me and Nat, Nat has a smirk on her face and her arms folded.

"Forget What? The fact you were saved by a kid less than half your age, or the fact your 'unbreakable' arrows broke when you put your weight on it?" I open my mouth to laugh before I realise I can't, "See I made her laugh," he says. Before standing up and walks over to a black helicopter.

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