3; It's a Girl!

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Nat and I started to cook, it was fun, and I splashed some of the sauce on her face and I was scared at first but then she starts to laugh and flicks some at me, sometimes I wish I could laugh, speak or even just make noise. It's a struggle that I've learnt to deal with and sometimes I wish I could communicate.

Anyway, we made enough food to feed a small nation, so the Avengers, Nat told me that's who they were and who they are now, they're all outcasts, all been called monsters or freaks for being different. We discussed what I could do, I still didn't know my full potential but I'll figure it out one day, I hope. I decided to not ask about Steve, I can't stop thinking about him though.

Nat and I dish up food and served it to everyone, Steve has returned and I sent him a sympathetic smile, I would read his mind but he seemed to agitated. Something I learnt is that not everyone likes it, some people have hard timers trusting me.

"Let's keep this one, she can cook, and can't tell me when I'm wrong." Tony announces and I roll my eyes, "For someone who can't talk you can really show your emotions very well."

"Has anyone got an email from the nurse?" Nat says, "She said she would send one out when they had found her parents."

"Oh yeah, I got them but we'll talk about that later, I don't want to spoil the atmosphere right now," Tony says, "Turns out you have some living family kid, close by, very close by." I'm kind of skeptical, what news, about me, would ruin the atmosphere, and what does he mean by 'very close by'?

I was confused by his statement but kept handing out dishes, a red man walked through the wall which really made me confused. People aren't supposed to walk through walls, and why is he red? Is he a robot or something? And if he is, why is he wearing clothes.

"I don't think I've met you yet, I'm Wanda, this is Vision." Wanda says, pointing to the peculiar red man I can't take my eyes off. She looks nice and not much older than me.

"I think you two will get along well, you can both do fancy things with your mind." Tony says,

"Stark thats insensitive." Wanda says giving him a glare. I smile at her as a thanks, and she looks confused to why I don't talk. I just eat my food, and then wash my plate at the sink and return to my seat, "So what do you do?" Wanda asks, I just look awkwardly look at the table, what am I supposed to do?

"She can't talk, but she's pretty badass," Natasha says.

"Steve she said a bad word," Clint said looking at Steve sat at the head of the table. Everyone looks at him.

"Guys, that was one time," he whines, he's hiding something, some emotion, something he doesn't want to show, I study his face, trying to not read his mind. He looks almost worried or concerned. He's deep in thought.

"Well if you don't mind I'm going to take '47' and tell her the results, I find it better if she were alone for this." Tony picks up his plate and puts it into the sink before telling me to follow him to his lab, his lab is very futuristic and he has about 32 unfinished products, just like his dad did. I know he said he didn't have a close relationship with him but he is a lot like him, in more ways than one.

"Take a seat kid," I take a seat opposite where he's sat, I look at him, I just want to know who I am.

"Right so we'll start with your name, it's Lacey, birthday unknown there was no date that we could track down, all records say you are dead or non existent. There's plenty of records that do date back to the time but none have your name on. Only one record from a school.Almost like you disappeared of the face of the earth, or your mother didn't want anyone to find you. They did a lot of blood work, very concerned about why it was purple, traced it as far back as possible. It was all messed up, there was so much other random chemicals and substances in there. One substance was very similar to something we as the Avengers are very knowing of." I nod before he continues. "Your dad is alive, very alive in fact, you've already met. I'll tell him to get down here." He takes a chunk of metal out of his pocket and starts to tap on it.

"Hey, you said you wanted to see me?" Steve walks in, I give Tony a look and he looks up at Steve.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." He says with a smirk, Steve's face shows something I can't even read, "Wait what?" He says. "I can't have a child Tony, I have responsibilities." He said to Tony.

"Should of thought about before you got Carter pregnant."

"She's Carter's? Are you sure she's mine?"

"She has super Soldier serum streaming through her blood."

It was a lot to take in. I get up and walk out, I hear their voices. "Lacey! Wait.." I don't stop, I keep going and make my way back upstairs before sitting on the sofa and crying. My head is rested on my hands and I was unnoticed.

Steve doesn't want me.

He doesn't need me.

I'm just random girl and a lot has happened today.

I'm so tired and social energy has been drained.

Someone was washing the pots and I hear footsteps, more than one person but no more than two. I don't lift my head to see who it is, I know it's Steve. He sits beside me and puts his hand on my back, I flinch at the touch and he moves his hand back. Tears dripped from hand onto my legs. I go and find my paper and pen.

If you don't want me I understand I was just a mistake

"No, " He says "I do want you, anyone would want you, I won't hurt you ever, I promise."

I look at him and start to scribble in the paper,

If you love me why weren't you there for me before I was taken?

"I didn't even know you were mine until about five minutes ago, if I knew then, I would of been there, you would've never been taken," he said, his face read guilt all across it. "Hey, I'll get your voice back, whether Tony makes something or we fix it, you will talk again, I promise,"

I lean onto his side and lift head up so our eyes meet. He put his arm me and draws me in. I just wish I could talk in moments like this. He wipes a tear that escaped my eye and pulls me into a hug. He feels warm and his touch relaxes me. The scars on my back sting and stuck to my shirt but I brush it off, that's the least of my problems right now.

He rests his chin on my head and we sit in silence for a while. I lift my head up and move back, "are you okay?" He asks, I nod my head and go to the bathroom. I try to look at the scars on my back, a few have been split open and started to bleed again. I touch one and my hand is instantly covered in deep purple eyes blood.

A/N: Helloooooo, so when I've finished this book I'm going to go back and change some of the earlier chapters like maybe extend them and add more things to them, but not change the storyline. Happy Reading ~~LH

Future Hazel here

, heh heh, I'm back ;)

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