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~'I'm Peter by the way, P-Peter Parker~

My dad had got me into the school, my identity a secret. I had been given strict rules to follow;

1.Do not under any circumstances tell anyone who I am unless I have permission.
2.Do not use my abilities in school
3.Do not bully anyone (like I would anyway)
4.You are (Y/N) Carter, and you are there because your Dad moved there for a job.

I had been out shopping with Nat to get everything I needed for school. She also helped me pick out an outfit so when today came around I was ready. I woke up and got dressed.

I grabbed red plaid bag and ran towards the elevator, fuck it it's taking too long I'll take the stairs.

"Hey, someone's excited," my dad said passing two pancakes on a plate.

"Since when could you cook?" I have never seen my dad cook, or a male cook in general, I though it was the woman's job.

"Since when were you going to school," I heard Clint from across the room.

"Since today Katniss,"  I said with a smirk, hanging out with Stark is rubbing off on me.

"Ok I'm going to have to limit your time with Tony, we do not need another one of him running around here. Anyway eat your pancakes before they go cold Happy will be her in 10 minutes and your lunch is on the table."


I had been given my locker number and combo as well as my timetable. But can someone please explain why lockers are so difficult to open. I was about to rip the lock off.

I was making a lot of noise and I just couldn't do it, I swear I was putting the code in right but it just wasn't working.

"Uh, h-hi can I h-help you?" I turn around to see who was talking to me, he had brown curls that fell on face almost perfectly and chocolate brown eyes.

"Yes, I can't open my stupid locker," I say trying again but failing.

"I-Uh that's my locker, I can help you find y-yours I-if you need." The way he stumbles on his words is so  dorky, I love it. Wait what?

"Wait oh my god I'm so sorry, I got the wrong one, mines 4223 not 4224," I move one step to my right, and one step closer to Peter Parker, he tenses which was strange but I started to try and unlock it. "Why won't it just-" shit shit shit shit shit, I just broke the lock, why could they just not make it so difficult to unlock. He looked at me like I was about to kill him.

"oops. Guess I don't even know my own strength,"

"Yeah, I know what that feels like sometimes, well, not really, I'm not that strong, but you must be to do that, like you just ripped apart metal, at least you got your locker open."

I look up at him, and he stops. "Do you always ramble on about things endlessly?" I look into eyes, trying my best to not read his mind, he's pretty easy to read, so difficult for me to stay away from.

"Only when he's nervous, Penis Parker could never get a girl like you, Hey what's your name you must be new." An average height guy walks over with his 'squad' behind him, he put out his hand to shake, "Flash Thompson,"

"(Y/N) Carter." I didn't want to shake his hand, he probably carried some germs that would kill, he gave off that vibe.

"That's nice name, but why don't I change it baby?" Cringe! He started step closer to me.

"Sorry, I don't like you, I like someone else in this school," I push pass him so I'm in the middle of the corridor.

"Well, Parker isn't the best guy to go out with, he has his problems," he then turns to Peter and hits him in the face.

"Are you crazy! You idiot, no one would like you if you did that," I had to breathe, I was starting to get angry and that's never good. I walk over to Peter and his eye is already bruising. Flash walks off and his 'squad' follows.

"I think a black eye would make you more badass," I started to read his mind, I know he's hiding something. He said I was really pretty. So I said  "Thanks."

"D-did I say that out loud," he started panicking.


"Then how do you know what I said?" He was a little freaked out to say the least.

"I'm not normal, and that's something that is going to be kept between you and me, I know you have secrets of your own Parker."  I turned around and walked off to find my class. He was stood there a little confused and I gave him a kind smile before turning around.

~~~~~~~Time Skip to Lunch~~~~~~~~

So the thing I feared the worst happened. I was scooped up by the popular girls. I'm one of those now. I didn't mind it. Not as much as I thought I would. They just gave me compliments about how pretty I was. There was a few boys trying to flirt with me, but there was only one guy in this school I would ever go with. Parker, he is the only guy who isn't desperate. I mean he would be a last resort, but he is still the only one.

Then I realised I left my lunch at home, and with my VERY high metabolism, I'm gonna look so skinny and ill. At least there is only two hours of school left.

I had science, Physics to be exact, next, and god has education changed in 60 years. As soon as I sat down I knew I was going to be confused.

I was sat on my own because my other friends either didn't have this class or were sat behind me. Then Parker walked in and he walked past me, I grabbed his wrist and he flinched, I dragged him to sit next to me.

"What, why me?" He whispered.

"Because if I have the slightest chance of being able to understand any of this I'm going to need your help."

"How do you I'm good at science?"

"Like I said before, I'm not normal and neither are you, so sit your ass down." I was beginning to loose my patience and just let him go but then again I'm very stubborn. He hesitantly sat down and felt a tap on my shoulder, if was Grace, one of my friends, the teacher wasn't in yet so I turned around.

"Why Parker? Seriously there is so many better people for you to sit next to." She disapproved of my idea.

"Well, I'm really bad at Physics so I'm gonna make him help me,"

"Okay, but seriously that guy, not it sis, you can do way better." I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

I had an idea on how to make Parker believe me, if I can't tell him, I can show him.

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