24; Fire

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"Ugh!" I screamed at kicked my locker shut dented the bottom half. "I-Uhh wasn't me!" I put my hands up surrendering. Ned looked at me with wide eyes and Peter was used to this by now.

"Seriously, what's that locker ever done to you? What's this like the 8th time you've destroyed it?" Peter reminisces to the day you first met and you had dented it then.

"You must be so strong to do that, the lockers are almost indestructible." Ned looked in awe. "I know someone who has been thrown into them too many times." He nudges Peter.

"Well what am I supposed to do, some dick head is going around saying I've got a boyfriend!"

"Who's a dick head?" I hear a voice from behind echo. I slowly turn around.

"Heyyy miss Tyler how are you today?"

"My office Miss Carter, oh, I'm doing just fine thanks for asking." I roll me eyes and walk to her office whilst she follows.


"Y/N we do not accept that type of language nor bullying in this school."

"I'm not bullying him, I'm stating facts."

"You have two more chance then it's a detention, think of it as three lives, you've lost one. If you loose all three, suspension. You may leave, don't want to be late."

I scoop up my bag and walked to my English Lit class.


At lunch I was sat in the usual spot.

"Yes! We need that!" Mia started jumping excitedly before sitting with us.

"Need what?" I ask.

"Girls night. My house. Straight from school." She proposed. We all agreed to be there. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.


We were painting our nails matching colours in Mia's bedroom. "So Grace, truth or dare?"

"Truth." She said focusing on her nails.

"Is it true you made out with Charlie behind the bleachers?"

"Yes." She was obviously uncomfortable about the situation. She didn't want to be pushed. "Millie, truth or dare?"

She paused before asking for a truth. She had to confess her crush, Luke Sides. The football captain. "Y/N, truth or dare?"

Our little mocking game was cut short by the smell of smoke. I sniff the air a bit more. "Do you guys smell smoke?"

"Yeah I do actually, no one else is home. It can't be coming from my house." Mia said looking around. I stood and walked over to her window to open it, but I see the house across the street burning down.

"I have to go." I raced down the stairs ignoring the shouts of my friends. I see a woman stumble out. Crying and falling to ground coughing up all the smoke.

"Help me please!" I went down to her level she grabbed my arms. "Please my child is in there! He's scared! HELP HIM, PLEASE JUST GET HIM OUT!" She yelled through hysterical crying. I nodded and made my way inside. The layout was similar to Mia's house making it a familiar format to follow.

I heard coughing coming from the upstair rooms. The carpeted floors are lighting up faster than melting butter. I push open a door and see a blue and green room with a little boy balled up in the corner crying and coughing.

The smoke was filling my lungs and the house was burning faster by the second. "Hello? I'm here to help you!" I shout. He starts screaming, deafening screams. I run over and pull him close me. "You are going to be okay." I reassure. I pick him up and take him the stairs. The stairs are all on fire and crumbling. The only other option for me is the window.

It's a good 20 feet high. I open the window to the front of the house, tightly holding the boy I jump landing on my back to make sure the boy isn't injured. The boy gets up and runs over to his mom. I laid there coughing and spluttering. I hear my friends run over to me. There was threatening pain running through my back.

Black dots filled my vision and my head went blurry. I heard the faint noises of sirens. Screaming. Coughing. Yelling. Voices. Fast moving lights. Squeaking Wheels. More voices. Arguing.


I woke up to the sound of a steady beep. I sit up and open my eyes. I'm in a bed. Black clothes. Tubes and needles in my skin. Dejavu. I rip out the tubes and needles. I couldn't control my breathing and started to hyperventilate. I looked around at my surroundings. Everything I do is rapid.

I get out of the bed; the door is unlocked. I start to run down the corridors. Bumping into trolleys, people and walls. I feel a shooting pain in my spine before I fall and hit my head on something hard.


I wake up again, but this time there is no noise. No tubes. No needles. Maybe it was all a dream. I look up but I'm back in the room and in black. I look to my left and see empty chairs. Look to my right, machines I've only ever seen in my moms hospital room.

I saw my bag in the corner of the room. I use my powers to bring it over. Realising I'm very weak. I take out my phone. It was 2:08pm. I had missed calls, voicemails and texts. My head was pounding felt like it was about to explode. I scroll the voicemails all from my dad except one. Peter's.

I listen to it.

Hey. Y/N. I don't know why I care but are you okay? You're not at school you don't have to tell but Uhh.. I hope you're okay.

I text him back saying I think I'm in a hospital. I call my dad next. He picked up instantly.

"Dad, help me I don't know where I am."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I-I was at my friends house then I helped some people in a burning building then I woke up in a hospital looking place with needles and tubes then I tried to run away but I fell then woke back up in the bed. Dad help me I'm scared I'm alone I'm lost." I cried.

"Listen to me. I'm going to find you don't panic please. I'll find you." He hung up.

I got a text. It was Peter.

What do you mean you think?

Well I kinda just woke up in here.

Queens Hospital?


A nurse walked into the room. Her eyes widened and she came over to me. "Hi, I'm Claire. I need to know your name, age and your emergency contact so we can call your parent or guardian."

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