48; Not So Happy Birthday

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"Y/n stop resisting." Wanda complained. There was a knock on the door, "come in!" Nat walked inside.

"She's not a doll Wanda." She said observing the scene.

"She is to me, now why are you here?"

"I came to see where Y/n was, Peter was looking for her." You stood up after hearing his name. You may not remember what happened between you but what you did know is that the new you was falling for him. Hard.

Nat's mouth fell open at the dress. She didn't realise just how short it was. Or how revealing it was.

"Ok Barbie let's go see Ken." You look at her confused. "Ok Y/n let's go see Peter." She rephrased.


As you walked to the kitchen where Peter was you kept pulling down your dress. You were very uncomfortable. Nat gave you a knowing look but you shrugged it off.

"Hey Y/- oh my god." He slid of the counter. "You-you look- ama-amazing." He stuttered.

"Thanks it was all me." Wanda said.

"We-well I was wondering if you wanted to go out...sometime?"


"Do-do you want to go-now?" You nod your head and Wanda gives you a pair of knee high black boots.

"Yes, they will go perfect with the dress." You sigh and take them. "Y/n," you look up at her, "have fun, please I haven't seen you smile in so long."


"So, do you have any ideas on how to reverse the memory thing?" Peter asked. Shaking your head you carried to walk through the park. It was cold outside but you couldn't really feel it. "I've been thinking, we could try and reverse it or maybe people have been saying the wrong words." You stayed silent, staring at the ground.

"You want to get ice cream?" You shrug your shoulders only wanting to get off the topic and your memory. At the moment it was a sore topic, everyone would ask about it. You were over it.

"What flavour do you want?" You pointed to the vanilla sign on the board and you waited outside for him to come back out. He had strawberry.

Once you both finished the ice cream he took you through the park. "You know maybe to get your memory back we could just relive every moment of your life and it would be like nothing changed," he laughed looking across at you. "Or maybe we could get every cctv camera to show all the footage of you, that's a bit creepy to be honest."

You looked up from the ground at him.

"Am I not good enough?" You say weakly. "Is the new me too different for you? Do you not like me just because I've changed, sure I like different things now including people but please, just please give it up, let's just face the fact my memory isn't coming back so as far as I know my dad doesn't exist and neither does my mom, Tony is some random guy of the street with a load of money and you, you are just guy who is saying we dated and I don't know anymore okay, my head feels like it's on backwards and all you care about is getting me to like you again, but guess what I'm different now!" You screamed. Peter was taken back by the immediate volume of your voice. Literally yesterday you were crying into him feeling so weak and now you just let all your feelings out. He didn't deserve it, definitely not, he was just the only person around.

You turned around and left to go back to the compound. "Y/n please wait."

You got your phone out and tried call Happy to come pick you up.

The journey home was quiet Happy didn't ask any questions. It made you happy for once, and no one forcing a conversation or anything. Just you and silence, that's how you like it.

When you got back to the compound you went to your room and slammed the door shut. You didn't know what just happened, but it did make you remember a night at his house where you were sat drenched in clothes with a photo frame in your hand he was stood opposite you wearing hello kitty pyjamas bottoms.

You slid down the back if the door and balled your hair up in fist, choking on tears. It was a Monday night and you were finally getting all your emotions out, all the anger, fear, sadness, it had all been bottled up for ages and it had finally been emptied.

Peter on the other hand was on his way to the theme park. He was trying to not cry and just hoped Spider-Man wasn't needed. He paid for his ticket on the Ferris wheel and went alone. He was hoping you'd be there but just like every year since Ben died he was alone.

On your side you we pulling at your dress trying to get it off. You pulled out a hoodie and put it on only to realise it was one of Peter's. You took it off and threw it out the window, he was just always there and you couldn't get rid of him.

Peter sat on the Ferris wheel with his feet up on the seat besides him. He was trying too hard to keep the tears back, he put his hood over his head to hide the tears. He thought he was getting somewhere with you, but you fell down like a ton bricks and left him there in the park.

The tears didn't stop for a whole hour, neither did Wanda and Nat trying to get in your room. They heard the door and cries and screams. Wanda tried to open the door but you pushed the door against her making sure she couldn't get in.

Once Peter got off the wheel he went back to his apartment to see May. When he got in May saw the tears on his face and thought they were just from Ben, she too was tired from crying and stayed silent as he walked in keeping his head down. Once he went into his room he fell back against his door and slid down, letting all the tears flow free.

"Happy Birthday Peter Parker." You whispered under you breath standing up from your floor and lying on your bed. You rolled onto your side and cried yourself to sleep.

Peter picked himself up from his door and didn't even bother to change before lying on his bed and letting out a shaky breath. He stared up at the ceiling and his brain couldn't think of anything, it was blank.

Your head on the other hand was running a hundred miles an hour and you jolted awake from nightmare. It took you a second to reassess your surrounding and realise was just a dream and wasn't real. Your chances of being able to sleep that night were gone, you stayed up all night huddled in blankets on your bed. Knees drawn up to your chest.

Peter fell asleep quickly and slept the whole night, the most he'd ever slept in months. Ever since spiderman happened to him. Once he woke up in the morning he went to school just like every other day. Like normal, but today with a cloud of guilt.

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