23; The Beginning

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Me and Sam got a pizza and I enjoyed my night. It was mainly us making fun of my dad. We watched some cartoon which had some yellow guy in it, Bob I think.

He said he helped army people with their PTSD. He said he could help me, I thought it through and decided to tell him everything I knew. I started from the beginning.

Age: 3 Place: Brooklyn
My mom was taking me to get some new clothes, a red and white dress to be exact. She has done my hair in two braids. We walked out of the house and got into the car. Once we arrived at the shop I ran across the road without caution and a car was coming straight at me. I heard my mom scream and I put my hands in front of my face. My feet slid back a couple of steps and I look up and realise the car had stopped. I had stopped it. That day after the shopping we went into a lab, a science lab full of tech, I met a guy that day, Howard Stark.

Age:7 Place: Brooklyn
I had been seeing Howard every week for four years. He had helped me figure out how I stopped that car, he never told me. He just said I was different every time. He cared about me like his own child, I also said he should name his child Anthony if he ever got one, he then said it was a stupid name and would never happen.

Age:10 Place: Brooklyn
Me and my mum were out in the streets, she seemed uneasy and kept looking around, her grip on my hand was tight. She then pulled us to the side of the street and told me to run. Run as fast as I could. If someone got me, get them back. If I got hurt, hurt them back. She told me to go to Howard if I couldn't find her. I obeyed and ran as fast as I could, bumping into people and them cursing me.

I had ran so far and was exhausted. I had made my way to an empty part the city and then I felt a cold grip on my arm. I was stuck, I couldn't move, I was paralysed. I tried to fight back but he wasn't giving up. I was too tired to use my strength. He pulled me close and whispered 'hail hydra' in my ear before taking me with him.

Age: Unknown Place: Hydra Base

It was cloudy, my memories. This was the 26th time they have tried to wipe my mind. I was counting at this point, I had nothing else to do. The electricity ran through my head. It hurt so much and my screams shattered the building. They had, had enough of it and they poured an acid down my throat to burn my vocal chords.

The tears fell down my face and I was suited up and sent out. I met some guy that day. He was tall, taller than me. He had black hair that went down to his jaw and dressed in black whilst I was in white. He carried multiple guns and knifes. My name was 47, I couldn't remember my real one, my name outside the base was Silent Angel.

That day, I killed someone. I don't remember his name but I know he was somewhat of a high authority.

Age: Unknown Place: Hydra Base

I had been kept locked up with the guy from the mission. He said his name was 'The Winter Soldier' and that it wasn't his first time out. He also showed me his metal arm. I was mesmerised. It was so cool and he found joy in looking at me be bewildered.

He taught me how to wield a knife. People don't expect a pocket knife when they're getting attacked apparently. He was my first friend. My mom never put me in school. I was home schooled. And usually learned from Howard.

Present Day...

"Yeah, sometimes taking about your problems help." Sam said.

"Well that wasn't all of it," I stood and got a glass of water, "I missed out the torture, the beatings, the constant pain of not knowing where I was, who I was or when it was."

"Okay, my diagnosis, PTSD."

"Yeah I get nightmares about it all the time, I relive the days as if I was there again." I took a sip of my water.

"Well on Wednesdays, I do an army veteran meetings where people are encouraged to talk about their problems and I help them."

"I may just take you up on that offer." I smirk.


My alarm blared through my room. School starts too early. I walked over to my wardrobe and stared at it for about half an hour before pulling out some leggings and a random hoodie.


As soon as I walked through school people were whispering. Don't you love sensitive hearing? I went to locker and ignored it. I tried to block out the noise but it wasn't happening. My hurt started to hurt as more people got into the school. I kinda just stood by locker on my phone for a while. A familiar face approached me.

"Hey Parker." I greeted.

"Hey, Y/N, wait, that's mine right? Uhh just so you know it has 'Parker' on the back." My face when red. So that's what people were whispering about. He avoided eye contact and then Ned joined us.

"Hey Peter! Oh hi Y/N, wait that's Peter's hoodie I've seen it before, so when did you start going out?"

"We-we're not going out...what makes you think that?" I stuttered.

"Well, Flash said you were, and everyone else, and that hoodie you're wearing."

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