49; Special Ice-Cream

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The next day you stayed in your room all morning. You didn't leave once. The only time you left was when Tony physically dragged you out at lunch time to make sure you were still alive.

"So want to explain why you look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards?" He said sitting opposite you in the kitchen. You shook your head. "Come one, tell me." You didn't budge. "How about I give you a tub of my special ice cream that no one else is allowed, for the story? How's that sound?" You debated before giving in.

"He cares to much about the old me and I yelled at him for it." Your voice sounded weaker than the coffee Steve drinks.

"Who's he?"


"Well then he's not worth your time, he doesn't love you for you then kick him in the ass and don't talk to him." You nodded in agreement.

"Where my ice cream?" You smile slightly.

"Really, you haven't smiled in months and when you do, it's because of ice cream?" He sighed. "That would be me too."


Peter walked towards his locker with a tear stained face. He hoped no one noticed.

"Hey, Penis Parker! Oh have you been crying," Flash fake poured, "Crying over Ben again? I'm r was it because Y/n left you like every other person in your life?"

Peter shut his locker and didn't even turn around to face Flash, he wasn't in the mood.

"Hey look at me when I'm talking to you." He dug his hand in Peter's shoulder and spun his around to face him. Peter remained to look down and not at Flash. "Okay, I see how it is." Flash whipped his hand round to slap Peter across the face. His face jolted up.

Flash stepped closer and whispered harshly in his ear. "Listen, when I talk to you, you look me in the eye and maybe you won't get hurt," he punched Peter in the gut, pressing his back against the wall. "And trust me, I'm not leaving soon, your guardian angel has left so you're all alone."


"When you went missing we found your backpack in an alley." Tony handed you the bag as you spun on a spinny chair down in his lab. You paused briefly before taking it and going through it. Inside was some clothes which you disregarded onto the ground and a black box.

You opened the lid of slightly and inside was a knife, it was thin and sharpened to the max, the handle was a black wood material and the blade was vibranium. Along the side of the blade had an engravement of 'angel' you smile to your self and drifted it through the air mimicking fighting someone.

"Give a hormonal teenager a knife, great idea." Tony muttered. Giving you a second glance to make sure you weren't bleeding all over the place because you just sliced your hand open.


When Peter got home to his apartment he threw his keys on the counter and slouched down on the sofa. His head had been out of it all, his thoughts only occupying you and how bad he messed up. If he could go back in time, not that's possible, he would change what he said. He was 100% sure of it.

May walked into the small apartment and saw Peter on the sofa frowning at nothing.

"Rough day?" She asked.

"Sort of." He murmured.

"I thought you were going to be out being Spider-Man."

"I was going to, but then I didn't."

"But Queens needs their hero." He just sighed. "Come one tell what's wrong?"


"There's something, tell me, I can help."

"It's just-complicated."

"Go on."

"I had an argument with Y/n and she remembered my birthday but nothing else, she then just left me."

"Don't worry, she might just need some space, she's gone through a lot, also it sounds like you should stop thinking about the old her but instead the new her."

Peter turned around and looked at her. "I have to go." He got up grabbed his jacket and left through the door and went towards the compound.

He hesitated before entering.

"What are you doing here?" Nat asked leaning over the counter.

"I came to apologise." Peter said trying to not get intimidated.

"I'd be careful, she just found a really sharp vibranium knife," Nat looked down and smiled to herself. "Oh, and don't come crying when she doesn't want you back, it took Tony 13 hours and a tub of his favourite special ice cream to get her out of her room."

"But he never lets anyone eat his ice cream."

"He let her, she must of been stubborn for that." She laughed. "They're in the lab."


"Mr Stark, Peter is at the door."

"Thank FRI let him in," he gave you a reassuring glance. "Just ignore him if he's annoying."

"Hi, I just want to say-"

"Yeah we get you want to be all sappy and apologise but if you step any closer to her you are leaving this building with less than two arms and eight fingers."


"No buts." He shook his finger.

"It's just I really like Y/n and I made a mistake, like a really big one, and now I feel really bad and I just want to say that I'm sorry and I'll do anything."

"I feel like a dad right now, I'm never having kids, jeez they're difficult, anyway I- Y/n sit down, and pass me the knife." His eyes locked onto to you holding the knife to the side of Peter's neck. "Don't Stan people it's not nice. Peter looked around at you and you froze.

"Look Y/n I'm so sorry." You threw the knife skimming Peter's head as it flew into the wall behind Tony. The concrete wall behind Tony.

"Let's say that the knife is confiscated as well as other sharp objects." Tony looks at Peter. "I think it would be best if you left, but it's raining and I don't trust you so take the spare bedroom."

"But I'm Spiderman, why don't you trust me?"

"Not after last time."

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