21; Star Wars

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I woke up in a familiar place, my room in the tower. But I fell unconscious outside the mall, how did I get here? I get out of bed and realise I have bandage around my leg, there blood seeping through, but it's purple. I walk into the bathroom and look into my mirror, cut and bruises littered my skin and they were almost healed.

I take the elevator down to the main room where I see Tony and his friend, but now his friend has metal legs and is learning to walk. He falls put picks himself up.

"Oh it moves." Tony said looking over at me. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah it does, how did I get here?" I question.

"You're little Peter friend brought you here, you were bleeding purple, glowy stuff as he put it, gave him quite a scare, I had my suspicions, watched the news, then took you to your room and that file on your desk cleared everything up." Shit. I had left it.

I turned to his friend who looked very confused to say the least. "We haven't met, I'm Y/N." I held out my hand for him to shake. "James Rhodes," he shakes my hand and falls forward, I manage to catch him and hold him up. "Jeez you got a strong grip for a kid." He looks a bit confused, I steady him and let go.

"Well 'Silent Angel' you cause thousands and dollars worth of damage to my suit back in Germany, and almost killed Natasha, Clint and Bruce. Hand over the suit."

"What! No, it's mine."

"I'm gonna need it."

"I'm nothing without it,"

"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it." My mouth fell agape.

"It was nice meets you James." I turned and left, as if I'm giving him my suit. I find my bag next my bed and call Peter.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday, I put you and other people in danger you could of-" He cut me off.

"It's fine, some random guy chases you through a graveyard then we go into the mall, it blows up then I find you outside with a replica Captain America shield, covered in dirt and dust bleeding purple blood."

"Well when you put it that way, oh my god I'm an idiot, I'm sorry I shouldn't have that," I cursed myself, the stress I must have put him through.

"Hey it's fine, me and Ned are having a movie night at my place, do you want to come?"

"Yes," I said too excited, "yes, I'll see there, hopefully with clothes on this time." I laugh. I hang up the phone, grab my bag and make my way to my house. I enter and is greeted my an angry dad. He gives me a lecture about responsibilities and stuff like that.

I go to my room and take out my suit. Maybe I can go out for a while, help Spiderman maybe if he's there. Then go home. I pulled out my combat boots, tied them then slid out the window.


I found myself sitting on the top of a building changing my hair colour, I looked over the city of Queens.

"Can I help you?" I heard a voice behind me say.

"Uhh, I don't know, I was bored so I came out here." I responded awkwardly.

"Are you here to kill someone?"

"Hell no, I'm here to help people I guess." I said turning around being greeted by a familiar red and blue hero. His head jolts to the right.

"Well if you want to help follow me." He starts to run off in that direction and I run after him. We are met with a bank robbery, some guys inside the bank were stealing from the ATM. I easily disarmed them with telekinesis, then I threw a guy through a window. Not strong enough to kill him. Spider-Man webbed the rest up and sped off, I followed.

Catching Death || Peter Parker Fanfiction (Silent Angel/Melted Ice)Where stories live. Discover now