26; Danger Finds Me

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I had stopped by the compound on my way home to use the gym. I ain't paying monthly at some random place in uptown New York and I need to train myself. I got changed in the locker rooms into shorts and a sports bra. (Picture above) I then got FRIDAY to play a random playlist from it's data base.

I started on a tread mill. I had a steep incline and a fast pace. It took about an hour to wear myself out. I took a quick break and drank half a bottle of water. I was coated in sweat. Like a lot of it.

I then went to a punching bag, hanging it up and securing it tightly. I started to take out my frustrations, the pain, my anxiety, trust issues, ptsd all the mental damage that had been blessed upon my soul. Saying it aloud really makes me realise that I'm literally broken to pieces.

"Y/N." I hear a voice from the doorway, I continue to throw fists and kick the shit out of the bag. "Y/N!"

"Go away."

"Y/N if you don't stop you're going to stain my new floor." Stark was stood in the doorway looking down at my feet. I look down and see blood dripping from my hands. I uncleanched my fists and winced in pain. For some reason it felt good. "You like to find danger don't you."

"Danger usually finds me. Got any band-aids?"

"You're gonna need more than a just a band-aid, come on, I'll help." He motioned for me to follow him down to his lab. "Want to talk about anything? Any recent events to do with jumping out a burning a building?"

"How do you know?" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'm Tony Stark, I know everything, now, why did you do it and not wait for fire fighters to do it, they get money from it." I didn't know why I did it. I wasn't in control of my own body when it happened, I also don't really remember it. I did hit my head pretty hard. He put his arm over my shoulder and guided me into his new lab. He was moving in a couple of months permanently which was apparently going to make things easier for avenger stuff. If avengers are even a thing anymore.

After an hour of my screaming in pain from bandages being peeled of my skin and being sprayed with antiseptic I went home. To my actual dad. Who, much my surprise, wasn't home. That was sarcasm by the way.


I got changed into my Silent Angel suit and swiftly left through my window going to a roof top. I looked around not understanding how spiderman always knew where to be.

"Hey." I spun around as fast as I could and threw whatever was there off the edge of the building. I ran to the edge of the building and see a red and blue suit collapsed on the ground. Woops.

I jumped down landing perfectly and ran over to him. "Sorry," I apologised. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, really I'm fine." He tried to stand up but fell and I caught him. "Okay maybe I'm not okay." I gently lower him to the ground and sit next to him. "Do you have a life outside being Silent Angel?"

"Uhh yes, I fact, I attend high school, I was frozen over many years and tested on and stabbed and shot and- I'll stop now." I said awkwardly looking down.

"What happened to your hand?"

"I didn't wrap them before beating a bag."

"Oh, does it hurt?"

"A little." I shrug. He took my hand rubbed the bandaged parts gently, I felt something I've never felt before, some strange feeling inside my chest. I can't tell if I like the feeling or not, was it good or bad? He immediately shot up from the ground and looks around.

"Follow me!" He starts to swing up high and across buildings to a rooftop were he perches and looks across the street. It took me a while to run there and climb the side of building using fire escapes and window ledges. He was looking across the street to a bank where there was some people stealing from the ATMs. They didn't have normal guns, no, they had what look like a plasma blast or something. I know nothing about tech stuff. It was very apparent.

We entered the bank as quiet as we could to sneak up on them. "Woah you're the avengers!" He gasped. They started to shoot things at us, but the reload time was slow making it easy to dodge. I went over to guy, threw a fist to his jaw then throwing him through the glass. I look over the spidey had been immobilised and stuck in the air. Then he fell to ground. I had to try my best to not laugh. The was a sudden blast from one of their guns that ran across the whole street destroying the buildings, and the corner shop. A man runs out. I ran over to him.

"Sir are you alright?" I asked.

"Get away, don't hurt me." He put an arm out in front of him.

"Please I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to help."

"I don't trust you, step away." I walked back stood there awkwardly whilst the spidey stayed to talk to him before he left. I decided to go too.

When I got home I was hungry. I stole some money of the counter and went to a Thai place in the outskirts of Queens. I walked inside and it was pretty empty, there was about three people in there. I ordered my food and sat at a table in the corner. I started fiddling with a piece of paper that was on the table, twirling it around and folding it. A few more people came in, the bell sounding as they did.

"Hi Y/N." I look up and see May stood next me.


"Are you here alone?" She asked frowning.

"Yeah, my dad's very busy."

"Come sit with us then, don't want to die of boredom." Then I realised that she said 'us', I look behind her and see Peter stood awkwardly behind her.

"Sure." I smiled. I grabbed my phone and sat with them.

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