27; Decathlon

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May turned to look at small TV hung in the corner. "If either of you see something like that happening you run the other way."

"Oh, yeah definitely." I nod

"That Silent Angel girl is bad news, probably gaining trust then breaking it, she did a 180 on the avengers. So how's school?" May asked.

"It's...difficult, not what I was expecting, I don't know how I got in, I think my uncle is paying for it, he gets payed a lot." I cringed at the fact I had to call Tony my uncle.

"That's nice of him, what does he do?"

"I think he does something in the tech business, you know, making things, selling the for way too much money, things like that." I laugh. I looked at my phone, 9:12pm, "I have to go, thanks and I'll see you tomorrow Peter." I place my money of the table and leave.

"She's a nice girl." I heard May say after I started to walk out. I started to walk down the street, I saw a lot of police cars going towards the bank. I just hope that guy was going to be okay.

"Hey Y/N wait." I turn my head and see Peter running after me.

"Hi, are you okay you seemed a bit quiet back there."

"Uh, ye-yeah I'm fine, just let me walk you home, I don't want you getting hurt." He explained.

"Sure, I get a bit lonely quite often, how's the decathlon team?"

"Good, there's a competition coming up in Washington. I don't think I'll be able to go."


"I have this internship that I need to be able to be here for whenever I'm needed."

"Who for?"

"Um-I-Its for Tony Stark." He said the last part a bit quieter.

"Woahhh, THE Tony Stark!"

"Are you trying to tell the kids in Africa? Hey, what happened to your hands?"

"Oh, I- fell?" Good job. 10/10 believable.

"You can tell me, I won't tell anyone." He looks sympathetic.

"A lot of things have happened in my life, I've done things I may of not wanted to do, I purposely didn't wrap my hands whilst I was punching a bag because the pain from my hands gets rid of the pain from my past." Did I really just say that. "And at school, everyone thinks I'm 'Little Miss Perfect' but I'm just as broken as a psychopath."

"You're not a psychopath. Psychopaths can't feel anything and they want to kill people."

"You don't understand."

"Try me, I might be able to."

"When I'm allowed to tell someone I will. My dad said I can't and it's dangerous. This is my house here. Thanks." I went to the drain pipe and climbed up it into my slightly open window, pushing it open and sliding inside. I could tell Peter made a mental note of where I lived. I had that feeling I had earlier when I was with SpiderMan, but this time it was stronger, I'm so confused.


Peter's POV:

Ned finding out I'm Spider-Man really hit me. Yeah he's my best friend but that puts him in danger. I also feel bad for Mr Delmar's shop, I hope he can rebuild it. Me and May were going to get Thai but I wasn't in the mood, my mind was in 19 different places right now. May had stopped to talk to someone, I thought it was a neighbour, but no. Next thing I know I'm sat eating Thai food with Y/N! Y/N Carter! She doesn't even like me.

After she left my senses went off, something about some people in an alley way watching someone else walking. I had to make sure Y/N would get home safe. I go after her.

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