2; Howard Stark

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After the helicopter ride, we land on top of a building with an 'A' on the side. "We're here!l Clint says with a smile, "And if you tell anyone about today I will shoot an arrow through your chest,"

"No you won't, you're too much of a softie to do that." Nat says beckoning for me to follow her off the plane, the door opens and the wind blows my hair every which way.

We walk into the building it looks so futuristic. It's nice, big and airy. I feel like I look weird and misplaced wearing this ratty dress.

A tall guy who I recognise from somewhere walks in with another shorter but not by too much man. "Clint, it's not bring your daughter to work day," The short man says and he takes off his glasses, he has dark brown hair and eyes, he looks similar to someone I've seen before. But I can't quite figure it out.

"She's not mine, sadly, she's really nice, I think she could be hiding a lot in her head," Clint day looking the men straight in the faces. "What's that supposed to mean," the blonde man speaks up. "Never knew you had a soft spot for kids."

"Her vocal cords were damaged by Hydra, we saved her, she's in bad condition and says she thinks her parents are dead, we are here to do some tests, and find out her nearest family," Nat says looking at me. "She can also do things."

"Okay, everyone in this room can do things what makes this one special, like Wanda?" The shorter man says. He looks me up and down, as if he knows me, at this point, I enter his mind,

I recognise her, I've seen her before, but she can't be who I think it is, she was kidnapped when she was ten apparently. Wait, she could be her. No that's crazy,

I leave his mind, he recognises me too. I zoned out of the conversation and when I enter it again the blonde man is looking at me. "Stark, call a nurse lets get this done," he says, I feel a connection with him, like I'm being drawn towards him, but the name Stark rings a bell. That must be the dark-haired man in the more formal attire. I tap Natasha and she turns to me, "Wait, I'll go get paper, that way we know what you're saying," she runs over to the reception desk and I follow, she takes out a piece of paper, playing charades was fun, but I was bored if it. They all gather around me as I scribble down on the paper.

I recognise the name Stark I used to know someone called Howard he used to do tests and things something about being different

They all look at each other in confusion. "Well that guy was Tony, his son, I'm Steve, Steve Rogers, by the way, I'm going to go get Tony," he turns away and walks off.

"What year do you last remember it being?" Nat asked I scribble down the numbers

1948 maybe 1950 or maybe 1945 something like that

"Well it's about 65 years later that kid, do you remember your parents?" Clint asks, the fact that it had been 65 years, didn't really shake me, I remember my mom but my thoughts came to a halt when the door opened again to reveal Steve and Tony.

"Hey, you know my dad?" He says he's carrying a frame of some sort and hand me it, it's a picture of Howard, a lady I recognise as my mom and what looks to be me, but it can't be, why does he have a picture of me, I turn to the paper and start writing, "What's she doing?" Stark says.

"If you listened for once you would know she can't talk," Nat says, I focus on what I'm writing.

I recognise the woman she was my mom and that guy is Howard.

Clint reads it out to everyone, Tony says "He said you were different, what does that mean?"

When I was 4 I was about to get hit by a car but I managed to stop it with my bare hands

Steve looks at me then walks out of the room. He looks hurt, but I don't understand why.

"How about we take that blood test and find out who your dad is," she puts her hand on my shoulder but all I can think of is why Steve reacted as he did. I was lead to an elevator I think they called it, I had never been in one and the whole time I was clinging onto the rail, Clint was laughing but then Nat threatened him by saying she would tell everyone about what happened today. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't so I just smiled.

We ended up in a hospital type room, I guess even these guys get hurt. A nurse walks in and shakes my hand before saying her name is Cristine. I shake her hand back reluctantly.

"So what's your name?" I mentally facepalm and Nat comes to the rescue. "She can't talk her vocal cords are damaged," I smile at the nurse reassuringly.

"oh, ok, I'm sorry, we'll I'm going to need to see your left arm, " she rolls up my sleeve and her eyes look at me then Natasha, I look at my arm and between my wrist and elbow is 47 in thick black ink. They exchanged glances before continuing.

"Well we can still do the test," she looks around the room at Natasha and Clint for reassurance, I don't know where Tony went, if he's anything like his dad then he's probably in a workshop or a computer room. I wasn't really bothered, but then she pulls out a needle. Well shit, I hate needles, I highly despise them, why would someone even invent them.

Apparently my emotions were being presented on my face because Nat gets up.

"Do you not like needles?" She says, "you look stressed," I shook my head, "you can hold my hand if you want," Clint proposes from across the room, I nod my head, although I think I might break his hand but he'll be fine, I hope. He walk over and I grab his hand, the nurse does a countdown and as soon as the needles barely touches my skin I squeeze his hand in fear, I can Nat laughing from across the room but I'm pretty sure it's from the face Clint is making.

As soon as the needle is out I let go of Clint and mouth sorry to him. "It's okay kid, but jeez you are strong, I'm pretty sure something in my hand is broken," Natasha looks at me and laughs I also smile.

"I'll send this off and it should be back in about 15-30 minutes so go off and have fun, I'll just send an email out," As we leave I wave goodbye to the nurse, she was nice and supportive.

"So, how about we go make some food, what do you like to eat, you look like you need it," Clint says, I look emotionless into his eyes and Natasha eye rolls.

"Clint, I don't think she can remember what she had for dinner 65 years ago, you can't even remember what you had last night, and I doubt she was fed good food in the base," Natasha was right, but then again when was she not wrong. "Come one, we'll make pasta, and Clint, you're not helping, you almost burnt the tower down last time you tried to cook."

A/N: Hello again, this is my first book I've written, I tried to write one like this before but I hated it, I went too fast in the writing and the plot didn't make much sense, I hope you like reading ~LH

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