44; Phase

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I was strapped down to a chair with electrical wires. One move and electricity is sent through my body, trust me I tried. The door opened and three men walked in.

"Welcome back 47." He grinned. "Every time you scream, talk, complain, or even move, enjoy the electric torture. It's a new method see, even the most powerful soldiers we have would resist the electric and they either are behaved or they will die."

He walked around my chair. "She's already learning, note that down. Now, you have an operation coming up, we already destroyed your past, present and soon your future, any thought of a happy future will be gone." He turned to the two men at the door. He nodded and they came over and undid the wires but held my wrists.


"Right, there is no way of tracking her." Stark said staring at his computer.

"What do you mean?" Nat asked.

"Well, she had no phone, no watch, nothing on her, her suit is in her room and she definitely isn't there."

"What are we going to do."

"I'll send some men out, see what they find, don't tell Peter, if anyone asks, she's out with friends."

"He'll figure it out."

"Then we hope we find her soon."


"Operation is complete sir."

"Alert me when she wakes up, throw her into the cell and monitor her heavily."

They nodded and dragged you out of the room and laid you onto the stone ground. The fresh wound was badly stitched and blood was still seeping through.

"How sad, the great assassin has met her fall, but don't worry when we're done you won't even need to sleep or eat to stay alive." He grimaced.

When you next woke up about an hour later you were immediately put back onto the chair and tubes where stuck inside your skin.

"Start Phase One." He ordered. To me his name was General. But he would have a name, one you shan't know. You scrunched your face as the red liquid flowed through the thick tubes and into your veins, glowing and illuminating the small room. Your fists were clenched and the liquid burned your skin.

You felt like you were on fire and each second longer was filled with pain, it got worse and worse until your body couldn't handle it. Your brain shut off and your body laid limp with no movements.

"She'll be fine keep going." He told the concerned doctors. Once the phase was finished they started phase two. This time the liquid was blue and cold, not burning or painful. Phase three shortly followed, they wiped your brain, or tried their best to. Without you being awake they didn't know if it worked. Phase four was about changing your appearance, a woman grabbed a knife and sliced your hair to become the length of your shoulders. The remainder of hair fell to the ground and the edges were rough and uneven.

The phases were complete and you were a completely different person, all they had to do was wait for you to wake up. They would order you to kill the person in their way. The biggest threat they had at the moment and they haven't been able to take him down yet, they have been trying for months. After seeing his first appearances they readied Tony would take him and prepare him for the real world. If Tony were to die, he would take over. He knew his way around tech and could easily hack them even with his young age.

And he did not see this coming.


I was strapped into the back of a van with guns and knifes covering my body. I have been ordered to kill a man, well more of a boy. Goes by the name 'Spider-Man' and wears red and blue. Easily spotted in the night. He was a threat to our company and needed to be killed. I put the mask over my mouth and stepped out onto the street silently. I grabbed the gun at the top of my leg and loaded it ready.

I climbed the side of the building using fire escapes. I didn't even know where I was. I stood on the edge looking over the city. The lights seemed familiar but I couldn't pin point anything. It was mesmerising.

"Uh hi can I help you?" I hear a voice behind me. I jolt around and raise my gun. "Oh, I haven't seen you around, please don't shoot me, I'm too young to die." My finger dusted the trigger and I was about to shoot when a web wrapped around the gun and he pulled it towards him. Bingo. Suspect detected. I started to advance towards him.

"Oh okay, can't we just talk this out." He put a hand in front of him. His week spots are thighs, maybe he should work on that. But if I go for his wrists and get rid of those web things, I have a better chance.

My hands clamp down on his wrists as I attempt to break the shooter. He reacted quickly and pushed me to the ground holding my hands above my head. I wasn't about to lose to this guy. I pushed my feet to his chest and rolled over grabbing the gun. I held it up towards his head.

He tried to shoot me but the webs faulted and fell to the ground lifeless. The eyes on his mask squinted in confusion. I shot the gun twice but he dodged both bullets. I'm not leaving empty handed. I started to shoot more and more before one landed right in leg. Something inside me felt bad.

No. Why did I feel bad? I don't even know this guy. I got a message through my intercom to return to my safe house. Apparently I'd be using it until he was dead.


Two nights later I left my safe apartment and went back to the rooftop. I watched him down the alley help some woman whose purse was stolen. He was limping a bit which seemed to confuse me, he was shot barely two days ago. He then saw me and climbed to the top.

"Look I don't want to hurt you, maybe we could talk this out." He sighed. I took a step closer. "Okay, maybe not, look, I know people who could help you, you know-" I cut him off by putting a bullet through his head. I though he could sense things but obviously not. What a shame. The 'friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man' was dead. I bent and whispered in his ear.

"Hail Hydra."

/// 3rd Person POV

"Tony where are you going?" Natasha asked. Tony was running around the compound in his suit with two following behind him.

"The kid got shot through the head."

"BY WHO?" Nat shouted.

"Unidentified, Karen alerted me, his AI."

"Go quick, if you are fast enough you may be able to save him."

Three hours later Peter was in a hospital bed after undergoing surgery. Major surgery that many didn't think he would survive. During the painstakingly long hours Tony looked through every second of footage recorded by Karen. He ran dna tests on everything. The result was difficult to comprehend.

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