46; Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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You were sat on the sofa staring at the blank, white wall. The tv was playing nonsense in the background . No one else was in the room with you which surprised you. Usually people were everywhere you were. You were alone in the boy you figured was named Peter walked in.

"Hello." He said rubbing his head. You lightly smiled at him. "Do you remember anything?" You shook your head and look over at him. He looked down at the ground and started looking through some drawers. He pulled out fresh bandages, they were so clean compared to one you were given. He struggled to unwrap the side of his chest. The place where you first shot him.

Standing up, you walked over to him and as gently as possible unwrapped the bloody bandage. Once you finished you rolled up the old bandage and threw it in the bin. "Can you help me?" He looked at you with soft brown eyes.

You took the soft, clean bandage out of his hand and lifted his shirt up enough to wrap it around. He eyes didn't leave your face. You felt some sort of similarity in this situation. It felt like a flash back almost. You and him sat on the edge of a bed opposite a moonlit window. He was bloody and bruised.

You fell back to reality. He wished he could just pick you up and kiss you, but he couldn't. You however heard his mind talking. Once you finished you tied the knot in the end and looked up to him.

You went on tip-toes and gently kissed him. "Don't." He said. "Don't kiss me if you don't mean it." You sighed and looked down at your feet, you just wanted to make him happy. When he saw your wrists his hand softly snakes down as his lifted your hand up so he could see. The skin was blistered, bleeding, bruised and sore. The inch thick handcuff was still wrapped around.

With ease, he ripped the cuff off from the joint and gently brushed the surface of your skin with his thumb. You winced at the slight burn. He gestured for your other hand which you raised and he took the cuff off that one too. The skin that had been covered was even worse than the edges. He took another bandage from the drawer as well as some antiseptic spray.

"This might hurt a little." He whispers before quickly spraying the antiseptic over your wrist making you jolt it into your chest. "It's okay, the pain will go away." You felt like he was trying to hurt you, but you couldn't be sure. He sprayed the other wrist and took the bandage of the counter. He then held the end to the bandage to your wrist before loosely but tightly unrolling it around your wrist and securing it with medical tape.

"See, you're all fine." He smiles but you barely make one out. "I wish I could make you remember." He says sadly. "Maybe there's like a word, midtown? Russian? I think I'm going crazy." He laughs but your face stays monotone.

"Y/n your back!" Wanda squeals and hugs you. She had just been out with Nat.

"What about me? I just almost died!" Peter exclaimed.

"Y/n first." Wanda says. "Hey Y/n are you okay you look different."

"She doesn't remember anything." Peter said bluntly. Wanda just glared at him.

"I could pull her memories out, but it may not work." She sighed.

"It's worth a shot." Nat said.


You were sat on the sofa with Wanda stood behind the sofa and was preparing herself. Nat stood at the side tense, she just wanted her daughter almost back. That's how she saw you.

"I'm ready." Wanda said. Raising her hands she reached into your head, red sparkles filling the air around. She struggled to get the memories but as soon as she got them she brought them up but let go, they slipped right through her finger tips.

She stepped back exhausted and rested on the counter. "I couldn't do it." Peter looked down.

"You can do it though right?" Nat asked.

"No, it might permanently effect her, to do it again."

"What do we do now?" Peter asked.



When you woke up the next morning you took out a big hoodie from the wardrobe and threw it on over short shorts. Whilst being half asleep to went to the living room and later on the sofa staring at the ceiling. Then Peter walked in.

"Morning," he said cheerily, how could someone be this happy in a morning. "I brought you these books, I think you might like them, you did before." He passed you a pile of books. Consisting of classics from the early 1900s as well as a few modern books.

You set them down on the coffee table and took the top one. 'Of Mice and Men' was the title. You started to read the first chapter when Peter lifted your legs and sat down putting your legs over his lap. He picked up a colourful book, but it wasn't a book, it was paper and way too thin. The room was silent as ever, but that was no different for you, you were used to the silence.

"Want to listen to some music?" He asked pulling out his phone. You furrowed you're brows, music? He pressed something on the phone and music started to play in the speakers.

*play music here*

The music echoed through the room and you sank into the sofa. It wasn't normal music like you remember, there was no piano, it was more upbeat. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Peter staring at you. You glared at him in confusion.

'Darling you've got to let me know, should I stay or should I go? If you say that you are mine, I'll be there till the end of time.'

"It's fine, don't panic." He laughed. "Also if you think this is bad wait till you hear some other songs."

'So you've got to let me know, should I stay or should I go?'

He put his comic on the table.

It's always taste, taste, taste, you're one happy when I'm on my knees'

He pretended to play the guitar and stood up lip syncing the song whilst jumping around. It was almost as if he had never been shot.

'One day it's fine and next it's black, so if you want me off your back,"

'Well come one and let me know, should I stay or should I go?'

When the beat sped up he took you hands and pulled you up. He made you dance around the small living room with him.

'If I go there will be trouble, but if I stay there will be double. So come on and let me know'

He twirled you around whilst head banging. His soft brown curls bouncing around him.

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