30; Elevator

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He held me around the waist. I tried to get up but he held me down. "No let me get up." I wriggled around and pushed myself up on his chest. "Pwease." He let me go and I slid to his side giggling. That's when Ned walked in.

"Oh, you're awake now, here have this glass of water." He put it on the side and I sat up.

"Thanks Ned."

"Hey, we're going to watch a movie want to join." I nod and help Peter stand up.

"I'm just going to let my dad know where I am."

I left the room and I called my dad, but as soon as I hung up you got a call from Liz, how she got my number, god knows.

Hey Y/N so this may be short notice but would you mind going us on the decathlon trip to Washington, I need someone there who isn't going to talk science all day.

Sure, I'm free, you're staying the night right?

Yes, we leave on Monday. See you there.


Go on a school trip they said. It would be fun they said. Spoiler alert. It's not fun. Being stuck in an elevator at the top of the Washington monument, with Peter missing and Flash screaming that we are all going die isn't pleasurable.

I wish I stayed with MJ and didn't go inside the monument. The evacuation trap door opened and some people were at the top re-assuring us that we would be fine as they started to get people out.

I then heard the sound of shattering glass just as the elevator started fall. I've never been happier to see red and blue in my life. Everyone else who was left started to climb out. Leaving just me and Liz as the elevator fell, I sensed the web going down to catch me so I moved and pushed Liz into the direction of it.

I fell down with elevator. All 150 metres of it. I was almost grabbing for the air above me. Trying to not fall. I could of been safe, but Liz's life was more valuable than mine. I heard the Liz scream my name and the sound of a metal against metal, shaking and smashing, rigid thuds. My right leg touched the ground first I felt the bones shatters inside my skin and flesh. As soon as my head touched the ground I was out. Black spots filled my vision and I knew right there and then I would be dead.

///Peter's POV. ///

Liz and Y/N were still in the elevator when it fell and I aimed my web at Y/n who managed to dodge it and push Liz towards it to save Liz and herself. As soon I heard the elevator clash on the ground I knew to expect the worst. There would be no way to survive that big of a fall. When Liz was safely on the level I went down the elevator shaft desperately trying to make sure Y/n would be okay.

When my feet touched the ground the sight shocked me. I bit my mouth to stop the tears. It was my fault. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have gone out after that man. It was pointless. I should of listened to Mr. Stark. If I was better maybe Y/N would still be alive. I saw her lifeless body laying there with her distinct purple blood pooling around her.

There was no hiding her identity now. I cursed myself. I had to leave quickly. It was all my fault. Everything. I shouldn't be here. My life is such a mess and sometimes I wish it would all just end. Y/n's dead and if she isn't then she's going to jail and probably put on death row. People don't know who she really is. They don't know her like I do.

/// Two days later ///

After the incident in Washington, Mr Stark managed to get her to one of his hospitals in the new compound. He also managed to clear up why her blood was purple and blamed it on low iron and a reaction with metal. Some really scientific that little people could understand.

She had fallen into a coma within mere hours of hitting her head and no one though she would wake. I didn't think she would. For the next week I visited her every day. I even brought her Lily's, her favourite flower, one day. It was the same day her dad found out I was Spider-Man. He doesn't like me and I don't think he ever will. He wasn't putting up well the loss. It was the only time he could be in the same building as Mr Stark.

Then Mr Stark got mad at me and took my suit after the cruise ship. Why can't I do anything right in my life. But when he took my suit, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. My education was getting better, I was sleeping at night and not stopping robberies. Me and Ned even finished his Lego Death Star. All 3803 pieces. The next thing in my checklist was Homecoming this Friday. Two days away. I had asked Liz. I did feel guilty that I couldn't ask Y/n, she never lost my mind, every free space I got I thought about her, her eyes, her style, her laugh and every perfect imperfections.


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