34; Mind Control

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As the morning came, I woke realising there was a the presence of another person in bed with me. I then remembered the events of last night. He looked so peaceful as he slept.

"Wake up." I whispered poking his face. He just groaned. "Be quiet, do you want to leave my house alive?" He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Get your stuff."

He nodded and got up gathering his old suit and folding it. "Thanks." He whispered back.

"Your welcome." I smiled walking over to the window and opening it. "I'll see you...whenever my dad stops being overprotective and will let me leave the house." I put my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek before letting him leave. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

I flopped back on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I guess I should take last nights make up off and this dress. I was so caught up in helping Peter I kind of forgot to think about myself. I threw on some joggers and a hoodie. I made my way downstairs where my dad was cooking.

I ran up and hugged him. "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again." He spoke. I just laughed. "God, I was so worried, I thought- I thought I lost you. And I don't know what I would've done."

I couldn't help but cry a little. "But on a different note, why the hell was there a guy in your bed last night? And where is he now?" His voice firm. I slowly released my grip and slid back down onto two feet.

"He was hurt."

"You are missing a leg!"

"He couldn't do anything."

"He could've caught you!"

"I sacrificed myself for another girl."


"Because her life is way more valuable than mine." My breathing started to pick up. "If my identity is released, I'm dead, the police with take me and stick a bullet through my head." I cried. "I'd rather die without people knowing, then you could have my body."

"Where did he go?"

"Through the window."

"That window doesn't open again, do you hear me?" I stayed silent, "I said do you hear me?"

"Stop yelling." My heart beat was quickening and I knew I was having flashbacks. Being yelled at because I wasn't good enough. My mind blocked out my dad but continued to flick through memories.

"You need to be faster!"

"Hit harder!"

"Kill then! Now!"

"Do as you're told, or you'll be dead yourself!"

"Just listen!"

"Stop screaming!"

"Stop crying!"

I snapped back to reality and my head was spinning, I felt like a rope that had been holding me together had broke and I was free.

"Please stop." I had tears streaming down my face. He tried to hold me but I freaked and through him into a wall, breaking the kitchen shelves. He stood up from the floor with a shocked look on his face.

"Y/n please let me help you." He came closer again and this time I pushed him using my powers through the wall and outside into the street. I had no control over my movements. I felt like a puppet.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry more and more but I couldn't my throat felt jammed. I then walked upstairs grabbed my suit, put it on and ran down across the street to where my dad later on the ground, blood coming from his arm.

I kicked him in the gut and threw him into a car. There was a faint sound of screaming from down the road. I started to walk towards the noise, it didn't take long to find the source. It was a mother with her kids. I didn't want to but it just happened. I punched the mother in the head, knocking her out cold and her children screamed in fear over her body.

I then started to run, I didn't know where to until I ended up scaring the fence to avengers compound. As soon as I stepped inside there was security right on my tail. I took them down instantly. I had made my way around the corner to where I saw Nat in her suit running towards the lobby. She gave a confused look before I threw the first punch. She easily dodged and started to fight back. I saw her press a button on her belt. I had enough of hand fights and threw her through a glass, shattering as her body passed through.

I heard a gain mumble of "I don't get paid enough for this." Before I heard the sound of metal, specifically two iron suits. My body turns and I see the classic red and gold iron suit being followed by the familiar grey one.

I've taken him down once I can do it again. I run up to Tony and start push him, his blasters try to push the opposite direction but I was stronger. I push his helmet to the ground whilst grappling for the arc reactor. My fingers clamped around it and started to pull it out. It was so close to being fully disconnected before I was thrown down the hall and covered in red sparkles.

"Guys I can't hold her much longer, she's strong." Wanda yells. Vision walks up and stand behind Wanda.

"Vision you dare hurt her, we are detaining not killing." Tony shouts. Vision steps back and James walks over to me. He put his hands an my arms to hold me down.

"How do we hold her down?" James asks.

"That's a job for me." Wanda replied. She did something to me that hurt my head right before I blacked out.

/// 3rd Person ///

"Nat you alright?" Tony asked walking over to help her up. She didn't take his hand.

"I'm fine," she sighs pulling out a piece of glass from her suit. "What do we do? We don't have anywhere to keep her that she can't break out of."

"Actually, I do have a specific room for if the hulk gets too angry, prevents him from breaking everything."

"She'll get out."

"Then we put one of those psycho tops on her restricting her arm movement."

"She'll go insane."

"She may be able to forget everything."

"Or she'll remember more."

"Fine. We'll put her in there, then see what happens, she'll be closely monitored." Stark came to his decision.

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