13; Physics

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"Okay, I think we are done, but if your dad asks, it wasn't me!" Clint put his hands in the air as a truce.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I started jumping up and down in front of the mirror and threw my arms around Clint's neck. I slowly let go.

"Sorry" I said awkwardly. He just smiled at me and went to his room to pack.

————————time skippppp———————
After School the next Day;

The bell rang for the end of the day and I rushed over to my locker to meet Peter. Why was I excited we would just be studying Physics, right? The halls were packed full with people trying to get out of school and honestly I don't blame them.

I threw my books and other stuff into my locker before I hear the one to my left open. I shut mine with force but maybe a bit too much because I slightly dinted it. Whoops.

"H-Hey, Y/N, uh we are taking the subway to my place I live quite far from here." He said whilst closing his locker, ok, what the ever living hell is a subway? I look at him confused. "What's a subway? Am I supposed to know what it is?"

He looked concerned to say the least. He laughs a bit but I'm still confused. "Good one, you actually had me there," he looks up from the ground and back at my face, "Oh you weren't joking, well it's a train I guess," I've only been on a train a couple of times but they are kinda scary with all the coal and stuff.  I nod my head and we walk out of the school, I keep my distance from him I would have a full on interrogation from my friends if we were close together.

Once we arrived at the subway station, I realised this wasn't a train I was used to, it was a metal bullet like shape and very crowded, we were both stood up and he was looking at something on his phone, it was a picture and some writing, something to do with 'why are you running' it did t make any sense. But then I realised I was about three inches away from Peter and oh god he's cute when he smiles.

Wait what.

Nononono, no guy would ever like me if they knew the truth, I can't like a guy, they'd be scared of me. This is bad, really bad, how do you if you like someone... wait! Is that guy eating boiled eggs, gross.

"Hey this is my stop," I look up and see Peter let go of the handle above his head and walk towards a door machine thing that looks like it would crush me. "I only live around the corner from here, in an apartment with my Aunt, she's really nice but she can't cook, at all, she burned spaghetti once."

"But isn't spaghetti cooked in water, how does that even happen?" I let out a small chuckle as the thought of that enters my mind. We took the elevator up to his floor which is a shame because I wanted to race him up the stairs, I would easily beat him, he's not an advanced human like I am.

He digs around his pocket for his keys and they jingle in the door as he unlocks it. "May I'm home with my friend!" I'm guessing his Aunt is called May, I would ask about his parents but that could be a sore subject for someone. A small woman with long chestnut hair pops her head around the corner of the wall.

"Oh hi, you must be Y/N," she said in a bubbly voice. She seems so nice, Peter is so lucky to have her.

"Yeah I am and I'm also really bad at Physics."

"But don't you go to a science school?" Do I? I don't even know myself.

"Uhh, yeah, yeah I'm just particularly struggling with Physics," I sounded unsure, I was asking myself the same questions.

"You're telling me everything in existence is made of these particle things? Are you kidding me what does that even mean?" I was so frustrated with science, nothing makes sense, everything has changed.

Sorry for the late update, hope you enjoyed the chapter... things are going so well for you, it would be a shame if your mom died and then a Civil War takes place........


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