32; sorry.

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"Don't," I said to Peter, "Save it for later, just make my friend have the best night of her life." I patted him on the shoulder and walked over to where Maddie and Mia were stood.

I was almost immediately attacked by hugs and questions. Mainly about my leg and my recovery. I still couldn't believe that Peter managed to remember my favourite flower. That seemed crazy to me.

About half an hour later I saw Liz walk out of the bathroom, with puffy eyes and mascara stains. What did he do this time? I walked over to her and engulfed her in a hug. She silently cried into my shoulder.

"What happened?" I hushed.

"He just left, I don't know why, I really thought we had something, but obviously not." I let go of her and turn towards the door and start to leave. "Y/n don't go after him, there's no point."

I had to go after him, I couldn't just let him injure himself. I got in the car and started the engine driving around the streets to find out where he was. That was until I saw the outline of a plane in the sky, with two people fighting to get inside. One in red and blue. The other with wings, what the fuck.

I had pulled over and stood on the sidewalk watching what was happening right before the plane started to fall and crash on the beach. Oh no. I get back in the car and drive as close I could go the beach before getting out and running onto the flaming sand.

There I saw him in his old Spider suit fighting the wing guy. I couldn't do anything in this situation so as soon as Peter fell I covered my mouth with my hands and let a few tears slide from my eyes. I thought he was dead. But no, he got back up again and started fighting even more.

I walked further onto the beach not even bothering to look at the floor, bad mistake when I fell over and my dress caught on fire. Why can't anything go right? The wing guy came flying near me just missing me with his wings. I put my arms in front of my face and screamed, that's when I felt a cold arm wrap around me and move me out the way.

The person then looked at me. "You need to leave, please." They begged. I nodded and stood up. Not wanting to leave. I was lost on the beach. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there trying to process what was happening. The next thing I know they were both lying on the ground coughing. I ran over and help Peter up wrapping my arms around him tight, grabbing onto the fabric of his clothes.

"Please, don't ever, scare me like that!" I cried.

"I could say the same to you."

"Well your life is more valuable than mine." I slowly let go of him. He started to moved the crates into a pile. Proceeding to web them up and then the wing guy. "What's his name?" I ask Peter.

"Vulture, I named him." It was very awkward between us and the air was tense. I just nod and look down. He then ran off and started to climb a building and then to the top of a billboard. "Are you not joining me?" He yelled down.

"I would but last time I was high up I shattered every bone in my right leg." He jumped down wrapped him arm around my waist and told me hold on tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Trust me." He shot a web to the top of building and lifted me off the ground before climbing to the billboard. I let out a shaky breath. "I've got you." His grip tightened as he sat down at the top. I was sat being his legs and his arms where hanging around my waist. I leant back resting my head on his chest. "I'm sorry, for everything."

"Be more specific." I smile.

"I'm sorry for Washington, letting you fall, I get it you don't want to talk to me just, I don't know."

"I'm not mad, it wasn't your fault, you couldn't of done anything in your situation."

"Your dad hates new." He sighs.

"And why would that be a problem, Parker?" I laugh. I turn my head and see his dirty face turn a pinky colour.

"I- jus- you-," he sighs, "I just don't have a good reputation with girls' dads." He chuckles.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That Vulture Guy, was Liz's dad."

"So how long have you and Liz been a thing?" I said letting the cat out of the bag. I knew there must be something going on.

"We aren't going out, I kind of panicked and asked her to homecoming and she said yes."

"oh. How you feeling."


"Wanna go inside?"

"I can't go back to May, god she's kill me."

"You can come to mine."

"Your dad won't let me."

"My dad doesn't even know I'm awake."


When we got back to my house we snuck through the window. I pulled out some clothes, that were already his, for Peter to wear. I also got the first aid kit from the back of a drawer.

"Sit." I say pointing to my bed.

"You don't have to do this."

"Shut up, take your top off," He looks at my confused, "well unless you want to do it yourself and get tangled, I suggest you let me help."


"Hey," I sat next to him on the bed. "Let me help." I carefully peeled his t-shirt over the wound on his arm. I took the antiseptic wipe and started to clean the edges of the wound. Being careful around the sore spots. Once it had dried I wrapped in a bandage and handed Peter a hoodie I had previously stolen.

"Thanks." He sighed. I turned the graze on his face, over his temple.

"Close your eyes." I whispered. I moved his disheveled hair out of the way. He flinched as the cool wipe touched his face. Then I did something. Something I didn't think was a good idea was I wasn't thinking.

I pressed me lips against his, pulling away almost immediately. "Sorry." I turned my head away in embarrassment.

"I-It-It's okay, I lik-liked it." He then leant forward and kissed me, I kissed back.

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