Chapter 2: Challenge

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(Horus pov— Three years ago)

To say I was insulted would be a gross understatement, I had been meditating about the true Sith Lord, the returned Maul was a former Sith yes, but he wasn't the master, neither was Count Dooku, the political head of the CIS. But taping into the Force, I discovered that the Sith Lord the Jedi have been searching for was right under their very noses!

Sheev Palpatine, Chancellor of the Republic.

Everything that has transpired from the blockade of Naboo to the Clone Wars? Palpatine is behind it all!

I was currently inside the Senate building itself and on my way to have a... "word" with Palpatine, upon entering the chancellors office, Palpatine looked up from his desk and welcomed me. "Ah, young Horus Haddock, welcome. How may I be of assistance to you?" I snickered lightly and shook my head. "I must say you have everyone fooled Palpatine, you even had me fooled." Palpatine cocked his head. "Whatever do you mean my dear boy?" Turning to the Chancellor of the Republic, I glare at him. "Why don't we stop playing games and be honest with each other chancellor. Or, should I call you... Sidious." Palpatine's neutral demeanor changed into a menacing and predatory one.

He smirk crossed the old mans lips as he rose from his seat and clapped. "Ah, you've unmasked me when the Jedi themselves couldn't." Snorting, I nod. "My powers as a Force Sentinel allows me to pierce the veil of time and take a glimpse. The future you have planned for the galaxy and the Sith Order? Its unparalleled." Sheev closes his eyes and when he opens them again, they're the piercing yellow and blood red of the Sith, he then places a hand on my shoulder and grins. "The Sith will once more rule the galaxy and the Jedi will be eradicated like the insects they are." He growled out before squinting his eyes at me. "I sense... great power within you Horus. Join me and together we can rule the galaxy!" Raising an eyebrow at the Sith Lord, I then gesture out his doors. "Won't you offer a similar invitation to Skywalker?"

Sidious chuckles and nods. "Indeed, his power almost eclipses you own." I slap the old mans hand off my shoulder and bare my teeth at him. "Yeah, but in the future? Your promising young apprentice will be maimed by Obi Wan Kenobi on Mustafar and his full potential will be cut down." Sidious raised an eyebrow at me. "You have seen such a thing?" Humming in confirmation, I then add. "Skywalker will be more machine than man and will never be the Sith you are." Taking my words into thought, Sidious hums and then turns his back to me. "If this is true... then I invite you to pledge yourself to the Sith and the Dark Side and serve me as my new apprentice." I scoff at the Sith Lords words and cross my arms over my chest. "Pass. I will never be your slave; to live my life killing for you and then when my usefulness has expired? You'll dispose of me like trash! Never!"

Turning back around to face me, Sidious's face twists with rage and he snarls out. "If you will not be turned... then you will be destroyed!!" He then extends his hands out and fires fatal torrents of Force lightning at me, but I hold my hands out and absorb the Sith's powers, merging his power with my own, I then fire torrents of Force Judgement upon the Sith Lord, the yellow lightning crawls along Sidious's body like spiders and it successfully immobilizes the Sith Lord.

"W-Wh-What... i-is... th-this?" Sidious stuttered out, I hold my left hand out and watch as the yellow lightning dances across my finger tips before turning back to Sidious. "Its called Force Judgement, fire enough torrents of it and it could leave you crippled. I only fired you with enough torrents to immobilize you and then..." I draw out my burning yellow lightsaber and activate it. " kill you." I say while raising my blade up high, but Sidious pulled out his own lightsaber out of the sleeve of his clothing and activated the blood red lightsaber before locking his blade with my own. Sidious tries fighting, but the effects of my lightning have weakened him, I then disarm the Sith Lord by firing another torrent of Force Judgement down upon him.

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