Chapter 14: Mandalore's destruction

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(Normal pov)

Mandalorian Wraith warships had a massive blockade around the Mandalore itself and their task was to ensure the home world was locked down tight and to prevent an Imperial military retaliation. On board the Flightmare, Viscus Grimborn and his older brother Ryltre were on board the bridge and going over battle tactics over and over again, in case the Empire did launch a counter attack, clearly being the smartest brother, Viscus ensured that handfuls of Wraith warships were stationed behind Concordia— one of two moons orbiting Mandalore, to launch a surprise attack on Imperial forces, if they were foolish enough to return.

Viscus's flagship was at the head of the Mandalorian navy and Horus even ordered his flagship to be outfitted with missile launchers that are loaded with a customized mist that actually rips thermo shields completely off of warships, cruisers and light cruisers, leaving those ships vulnerable to an attack. Though Flightmare was at the head of the Mandalorian navy, Viscus's older brother Ryltre's ship— Shellfire was the second best, due to not only its impressive size but also its plasma charges and long range firing capabilities that could hammer down enemy ships shields and rip them apart within a minute tops.

As the two brothers had just gone over battle tactics, the alarms sounded and the crew on deck barked out over the alarms. "Sir, a massive fleet of ships inbound!!" That being said, a hundred or more Imperial ships dropped out of hyperspace and on top of that, a massive space station jumped out of hyperspace as well. Viscus, Ryltre and all the Mandalorians on board their respective warships could only stare in shock and horror at the size of this space station, it was massive. Snapping out of his shock, Viscus barked out orders to the crew. "Raise shields and launcher all fighters!!" Turning to his brother, Viscus gripped his older siblings bicep. "Alert the surface that we're under attack and that they need to start evacuating the planet!"

"Flee Mandalore itself?! You can't possibly be suggesting that—"

"That enemy fleet alone is too great for our forces on the surface to handle, on top of that, the enemy battle station is packing enough reinforcements and firepower to singlehandedly cripple us! I don't like the idea of abandoning our ancestral home either, but we have no other choice. Now go!!" Viscus said, Ryltre nodded and rushed off to inform matriarch Val of the dire situation while Viscus turned his attention back to the massive enemy force that was knocking on Mandalore's front door. "We hold the enemy here!! Do not let one ship slip through our blockade!" Viscus ordered, the crew of the Flightmare let out a battle chant as everyone got to their stations and prepared themselves for the fight of their lives.

"May the Force be with us." Viscus murmured to himself.

(On board the Imperial battle station— The Death Star)

Leading this retaliation was a Chiss named Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or better known as Grand Admiral Thrawn. The only alien officer of such high standing within the Empire and Imperial ranks, though he is not an opponent that one should underestimate, let alone trifled with. The majority of Thrawn's career within the Empire has been in the Unknown Regions, due to him claiming that there is an enemy that intends to invade the known galaxy, what this enemy is though is unclear. Never the less, Tharwn's military expertise and tactics were required by command of the Emperor himself, Palpatine ordered his Grand Admiral to retake Mandalore by any means necessary and to show the galaxy how insignificant the Mandalorian rebel insurgents really are compared to the might of the Empire.

Obeying his emperor's orders, Thrawn now finds himself on board the newly constructed Imperial battle station many of the officers call the Death Star, on board this station were many veteran and experienced military officers who served during the Clone Wars as well Grand Moff Tarkin and Orson Krennic who was one of the Death Star's creators alongside his ally— Galen Erso in the Imperial special weapons division.

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