Chapter 4: Defending Mandalore part I

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A/N: I do want to apologize for not updating sooner, I've got other stuff to deal with and I just don't have the time to update. Anyway, in this chapter, Sidious sends Vader and six of the best Inquisitors in the Inquisitorious to go to Mandalore and retake it and make an example of them to show the galaxy what happens when you openly defy the Sith and the Empire. Also, I'm making up my own Inquisitors, three of the female ones— Third Sister is a red skinned Asari with Sith tattoos, Sixth Sister is a Quarian and Eighth Sister is a Turian, all three female alien species are from Mass Effect. I personally think some of the Mass Effect alien species would go very well with the Star Wars universe too, as far as Force users, smugglers, bouty hunters and so on. Anyway, besides that heads up? Enjoy the chapter.

(Normal pov)

With Gar Saxon's death at the hands of Horus Haddock? The Mandalorian people now turned their sights on the Empire and intended to drive them off their planet and system completely. It had been six months since Horus had returned to Mandalore and during this time, the young Force Sentinel was able to unite all of Mandalore against the Imperial regime stationed on their home. With all the houses and clans united together, the Empire found itself in a world of hurt; the Imperial Stormtroopers were simply no match for the highly trained Mandalorian warriors.

News began spreading throughout the galaxy that the home of the Mandalorians were openly rebelling against the Empire and actually winning. Needless to say, this rebellion inspired many more Outer Rim planets to do the same, and soon enough? Rebellion grew until finally the Emperor of the Galactic Empire had suffered this long enough.

Currently, Sidious was seated on his throne in the Imperial palace on Corusaunt which was once the Jedi temple. Sidious then heard the doors to his palace hiss open, turning his chair around, he laid eyes on his Sith apprentice and enforcer— Darth Vader. The half man half machine dark lord approached his master and then kneeled before him. "What is thy bidding, my master?" Sidious then stated current events. "The planet Mandalore openly defies the Empire and me after the death of Governor Gar Saxon, the Mandalorian people have ensured that our presence is not permitted on their world." Rising to his feet, the Sith Lord then looked outside the window behind his throne and nodded slightly. "I can sense... that Force Sentinel is leading the rebellious Mandalorians and his powers seemed to have tripled since the last time I laid eyes on that boy. If he is not eradicated, he can pose a dangerous threat to me and the Sith empire!"

Turning around Sidious then approached his still kneeled apprentice. "I want you to invade Mandalore; make the planet and its inhabitants as an example to the rest of the galaxy what happens when fools dare try to strike down the Empire!" Placing his pale and deformed hand on Vader's shoulder, Sidious hissed out. "Take six of your best Inquisitors with you as well Lord Vader, kill anyone who stands in your way but do not kill Horus Haddock. I have... other uses for him."

"As you wish, my master." Vader said, humming in acknowledgement, Sidious then ordered his apprentice to rise, once on his feet, Sidious made a 'shooing' motion with his hand. "Go now, Lord Vader. Snuff out this insurrection and make an example of the Mandalorian people." Bowing his head, Vader turned around towards the nearest elevator and descended down into the Imperial palace to gather his personal strike team and to Marshall the Imperial 501st now named 'Vader's Fist.' Reaching the lower levels of the Imperial palace, Vader laid eyes on his six best Inquisitors and six squads of Imperial Purge troopers— the last remaining Jango Fett clones that were produced from Kamino.

Among the six Inquisitors was the Grand Inquisitor himself, the Pau'an male bowed his head at the sight of Darth Vader. "My lord, are you certain my assistance is not required? This is a Force Sentinel that my fellow Inquisitors are helping you hunt down. From what I've read from the Jedi temple archives? They're extremely powerful and draw their strength from both sides of the Force." Vader ignored the Pau'an Inquisitor before approaching an Imperial admiral that commanded his personal flagship— The Executor. "Prepare the ship admiral, ensure that Imperial assists are on board and ready for take off." The admiral saluted in acknowledgment before rushing off to a parked speeder outside the palace grounds and zoomed off to the spaceport.

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