Chapter 7: Son of Dathomir

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(Horus's pov)

The sight of Dathomir caused chills to crawl down my spine, it's planet that's strong in the Dark Side and it's served as sanctuary to the Nighstsister witches and the Zabrak Nightbrothers. Back when the Nightsister matriarchy ruled the planet, these witches could perform extraordinary feats through dark magics by channeling the Dark Side of the Force to serve their purposes; resurrecting their dead, transforming average Zabrak Nightbrothers into rage fueled monsters and other unnatural tasks.

"I've never been to Dathomir before." Ahsoka said to me, turning to her, I shrugged lightly. "Neither have I. From what I've heard, the CIS massacred the Nightsister clan and proceeded to wipe out the Nightbrothers after Sidious, Count Dooku and General Grievous destroyed Maul's mother— Talzin. As far as we known Mother Talzin's coven of Nightsisters are the only clan of Dathomirian witches on the planet. In the past, there were several clans that enslaved the male population, they tamed the native Rancors and become Force wielding warriors."

"Thats one thing I actually admire about the former Nightsisters. A planet led by matriarchs." Ashara commented, we turned to each other and I gave her a teasing look. "Are you tired of living under my rule Milady?" Ashara laughed lightly and shook her head. "Of course not, its just... there hasn't been a female Mandalore among our people, I just thought handfuls of our peoples strongest like Countess Melody, Lady Allmea or even Lady Bo Katan would be bestowed that honor." Ashara then shrugged but gave me a warm smile. "But I'm glad you're our leader Horus. Truly I am."

"As are we all."

One of the super commandos butted in, I nod in thanks to Ashara and my companions as we finally enter Dathomir's atmosphere and descend on the jungle planet. As our ship finally touched down on the planet, Ashara looked outside and shook her head. "Despite my admiration of the late Nightsisters rule over this planet? This place really gives me the creeps." Looking outside as well, I could see the sky was blood red as well as the ground, plants, fungi was a mix of orange, yellow and red. "I admit, it is eerie, but Ahsoka and I will find our contact together while you and the others guard the ship. We'll be back as soon as we can." I inform, turning to Ahsoka we nod at each other and disembark from the ship.

"Horus wait!"

Turning around, Ashara got up and pressed her lips to my own, causing me to close my eyes and sigh contently as we shared a passionate kiss. Once breaking apart, Ashara murmured against my cheek. "Be careful." I nod and smirk. "Always." We share one last peck before Ahsoka and I exited the ship and walked through the Dathomirian jungles. As we tread through the harsh environment, I could remnants of old CIS droid transports— MTT's and AAT tanks as well as destroyed battle droids now eroding with fungi. Not only that, but we could see the withered and decayed corpses of the Nightsisters. "Those witches never stood a real chance against these droids." I murmured to myself as I crouched down and inspected some of the corpses.

Expecting Ahsoka to comment, I instead felt... jealousy swelling inside of her. Standing up straight, I catch up to the Togruta and gently grasp her hand. "Ahsoka? What's wrong? I can sense jealousy inside of you." I could see her biting her lower lip and heard her curse in Togrutan tongue under her breath before looking into my eyes. "Its just... Its stupid. Forget it." She says while trying to continue walking, but I hold her hand tightly and force her to face me. "Talk to me. Whats wrong?" I asked her, sighing heavily Ahsoka spoke her mind. "All my life, I was taught as a Jedi to not form attachments. Besides Anakin and Rex as my true friends and the brothers I never had, I just..."

"Just what?" I asked, shaking her head slightly, Ahsoka murmured out. "Since the moment we met in the Jedi Temple, I've... had... have feelings for you." My eyes widened in shock at this information and I cocked my head at her. "Why didn't you tell me before?" She snorted lightly and shrugged. "I was a Jedi back then and you were too focused on ensuring the Jedi Order was a well balance of light and dark. But when you tried killing Palpatine back then? I truly thought you betrayed the Republic and those you worked with. I actually believed the lies the Jedi twisted about you— how you were a heretic and clinging to a long dead order that serves no use to the known galaxy now. And then Order 66 happened and after fleeing Mandalore? For the first time in my life, I've never felt more alone, scared and helpless."

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