Chapter 22: Reunited

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(Normal pov)

Ashara smiled at the sight of her and Horus's children— Novak and Zoey Haddock. Both of them were already skilled in Mandalorian combat and to Ashara's surprise, Zoey was Force sensitive, though Novak didn't posses the powers of the Force, he was extremely humble for a boy his age of fourteen. "Mother, will we ever see our father?" The seventeen year old Zoey asked, Ashara blew a strand of hair out of her face and nodded at her daughter. "Ahsoka, Maul and Cori went with Han and Chewbacca to get your father. They'll be here and when they return? You and your brother will see your father for the first time."

Novak and Zoey knew all about Horus, from holo recordings to thorough details, needless to say, both teenagers were very eager to finally meet their father in person and get to know him as a person.

A squad of rebel commandos approached Ashara and bowed their heads at the Mandalorian general. "General Hofferson, we're detecting the Millennium Falcon entering Tython's atmosphere." This news caused a light smile to grace Ashara's lips, turning to both her children, she gestured them to follow her. "Come." Obeying their mothers wishes, Novak and Zoey walked side by side their mother. "Do you think they rescued or father?" Novak asked, turning to her son, Ashara smiled and nodded. "Ahsoka, Maul and Cori are vital players in the Alliance, I have complete faith in their abilities as Force wielders."

The Millennium Falcon came into view and touched down at the nearest landing bay, scores of rebels and Mandalorian alike all stopped what they were doing to see if the rescue operation was successful. As the ramp of the Corellian light freighter opened, Maul and Cori were the first to exit the ship before smiles spread across their faces as they gestured to Ahsoka and one Mandalore the Rebel by her side.

Horus Haddock III.

Ashara let out a shuddering breath and tears of joy swelled in her eyes as she rushed to the man she loved. Horus raced towards his general and lover and embraced her with all his might, lifting her off her feet and murmuring reassurances and love into her ear. Novak and Zoey were left speechless at the sight of their father, he stood as such a powerful being and yet he didn't let the power he commanded turn him into something he wasn't, he showed their mother such love, care and kindness it caused the two teenagers to smile.

Rebels and Mandalorians flocked to their leader and welcomed him back with a series of handshakes, pats on the back and even hugs to those Horus knew well. Horus then laid eyes on the Novak and Zoey and approached them slowly before smiling warmly at them. "Hello, my name is Horus, I'm... I'm your father." Novak took a step forward and then launched himself into Horus's chest and embraced his father, causing the Force Sentinel to smile and return his sons embrace. Looking into his daughters azure eyes, he invited her to join in the hug, she obliged and embraced her father as well and she never felt safer.

Once breaking off from the hug, Horus inspected his children from head to toe and shook his head lightly while smiling. "Both of you are strong. I'm glad." Horus's smile disappeared as he continued. "I'm sorry I missed out on your childhood but... the Empire imprisoned me for nineteen years, poisoned me, severed my connection with the Force and encased me in carbonite. During that time, an ancestor of the Haddock bloodline came to me while I slept, he and... a darker version of myself helped me preserve my life; removed the poison that was slowly killing me, helped me to strengthen my connection with the Force and provided me with the means of constructing new lightsabers that are infused with the Light and Dark Side of the Force at its purest form." Horus then turned to all the rebels and Mandalorians gathered and boomed out. "Now that I'm back? Our Alliance will be stronger than ever and we will overthrow the Sith from power and tear down the Galactic Empire and restore peace to the galaxy."

Their leaders words, caused the rebels and Mando's to let out cries of triumph and agreement, as the cries died down, Horus laid eyes on two more beings that were very strong with the Force-- Luke and Leia Skywalker, children of Anakin and Padmé. Horus approached the two and nodded to them in greeting. "Luke and Leia Skywalker, a pleasure to finally meet you at last." The Skywalker twins nodded in agreement at Horus's words. "Likewise Horus Haddock, those among this Alliance who wield the Force have trained us in the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat when we were of proper age. Now that you've returned, we can conclude our training."

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