Chapter 24: A day with the kids

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(Normal pov)

The light shone in through Horus chambers inside of his warship, blinking the sleep out of his eyes, Horus smiled at the sight of both Ashara and Ahsoka nude and clinging to his own body. Regrettably, Horus removed himself from his lovers and kissed each lovely woman on their foreheads and murmured. "I love you." To each woman, causing smiles to spread across their lips as they continued sleeping, Horus smiled and then headed off to a water basin and lightly washing off the stench of sweat and sex that still clung to his body. Horus was very eager for the day, because he was going to spend the day with his children and help them hone their skills as warriors, getting to know them as people and just being their for them.

Being a father to them.

It made Horus's blood boil in rage knowing that he missed nineteen years of their lives and that Sidious and the Empire had robbed that time from him.

They would all pay for that grievous offense, in due time.

Horus put on a sleek black robe and tan leather pants and put on his Mandalorian boots on and clipped both his lightsabers on his belt before exiting his warship and headed outside. The sight of his rebellion at work and preparing for their next strike against the Empire caused pride to swell within Horus, the Force Sentinel was eternally grateful for those who led the Alliance in his absence, but when the rebels were being led by Horus himself? They followed the Force Sentinel's every order almost without question and they all believed in his cause and were eager to overthrow the shadow both the Sith and Empire had casted across the galaxy.

As the rebel king made his way towards the training arena, several Mando's approached their leader, bowing their heads in acknowledgment. "Mandalore." They said with a deep respect, Horus gestured them to rise and they followed their leader as he continued his stride to the training arena. "Sir, you'll be pleased to know that Mandalorian warships, Basilisk war droids and all other war machines have finished production and we are ready for when we invade Coruscant."

Yes, Horus had proposed to all the rebel leaders that they were going to take this fight straight to the Impeiral capital planet itself, and that the Alliance will need to be at its full strength for such a fight. The Mandalorian's embedded in the Alliance stood as the bulk of its forces, ranging between the billions while many more millions of beings have come to join the fight and to end the Empire, but during the attack on the Coruscant? Mandalore's warriors and warships would spearhead this invasion. But, first, the Alliance was going to strip away a very vital toy from the Empire's grasp and use it against them before the invasion on the Imperial home world could commence.

Nodding in acknowledgment at his fellow Mando's words, Horus turned to that Mando and spoke. "Excellent. Has Theron and Lira prepared for the elite commandos and our assault on the Death Star?"

"Yes Mandalore, they stand ready to deploy at your command." One of the Mando's said in confirmation, Horus hummed in acknowledgement and gave orders for the group of Mando's by his side and gave them new orders. "Good. Inform the Changelings embedded in our ranks to take form of the Imperial prisoners we have locked away here and have them load up on the Imperial shuttle we've snagged. Thanks to the security clearance those prisoners possess, our Changelings will be able to board the Death Star and get our team inside for them to infiltrate." The group of Mando's bowed their heads and went off to share their leaders orders with the Changelings.

Finally reaching the training arena, Horus smiled at the sight of his children training together, Zoey wielded dual Mandalorian blasters and was shooting stun rounds at her brother, Novak however wielded a staff that was able to deflect blaster fire and the blond haired boy spun the staff behind his back and deflected the blaster bolts to harmless area of the training arena the Mando's and rebels used. Zoey then used the Force to push her brother, but he quickly planted his staff into the ground to steel his footing, while she was focussing on pushing her brother, Novak pulled out a sonic grenade and chucked it, causing to detonate and send his sister flying back with a surprised cry.

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