Chapter 5: Defending Mandalore part II

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(Normal pov)

"Execute order 66."

Once those words left Horus's lips, the Imperial Purge troopers pupils dilated, they then turned to their superiors and aimed their blasters toward Darth Vader and the Inquisitors and opened fired. Quickly activating their blood red lightsabers, the servants of the Dark Side roared out in outrage as they fought for their lives while the clones hammered them with heavy blaster fire, giving Horus and his Mandalorian brethren time to fall back. Horus then placed his index finger to his ear com and contacted Ashara. "We're heading to the back landing pad of the estate, meet us there."

::You got it! En route to you now::

Eric and three of the Mando super commandos laid detonators behind them which could be detonated by their wrist controls, after spreading out detonators, the Mando's regrouped with Horus and the rest of their brothers and sisters before finally reaching the estates back landing pad. Whilst the super commandos awaited Ashara's gauntlet fighter— Stormfly, Eric approached Horus and pointed back towards the estate. "What was that? You turned those clones against them." Horus looked into his companions eyes and nodded. "Its how the Jedi Order was purged. All clones have inhibitor chips built into their genetic code, and they're ordered to kill Jedi if so commanded." Before Eric could form a reply, the roaring of a gauntlet fighter was heard and the group of Mando's turned around to see Astrids, white, blue and yellow fighter.

"Move it people! Lets go!" Horus barked out as the Mandalorians all entered the fighter and flew off into the skies to aid their brothers and sisters fending off Darth Vader's forces. Once reaching the bridge of Ashara's gauntlet fighter, the woman herself turned her head and smiled warmly at Horus, which he immediately returned, the two warriors then could see Imperial walkers advancing on the wastelands while battalions of the Imperial 501st advancing towards the capital but were held back by heavy Mandalorian firepower. Ashara then looked towards the holo projector on the dash of her fighter, the holo projected the image of Countess Melody, she blew back long strands of her pixie blond hair out of her face and spoke.

::We're beginning our attack in the Mandalorian warships now Horus::

Looking out the window, Horus smiled at the sight of Wraith-Class Mandalorian warships slipping behind the Imperial Star Destroyers and opened fired. Ashara too smiled at the sight and chuckled lightly. "Our warships are tearing the enemy to pieces." She stated, Horus hummed in agreement and contacted Countess Melody. "I can see the fire works from down here Melody, you and Allmea destroy as many as their cruisers as possible while the rest of us deal with their ground forces."

::Acknowledged, stay safe down there::

Nodding, I then place a hand on Ashara's shoulder and squeeze it gently. "Its time we join or brothers and sisters in open battle." Looking up at me, Ashara hums in agreement. "I couldn't agree more." She said before we then arrived at the front lines were our people were holding off the Empire's advances. Turning her gauntlet fighter on auto pilot, Ashara got up out of her seat and retrieved her spiky helmet and nudged me playfully. "C'mon, lets go." She then raced towards the back of the fighter and opened a lower compartment that's used to deploy Mando's into battle, once the compartment was opened, Ashara led the way with Horus, Eric and the super commandos right behind her. Imperial AT-DP walkers were advancing on House Stormhearts warriors, Horus and Ashara shared a look and nodded at each other before turning back to Eric and the super commandos. "Lets take out those walkers with our rockets." Nodding in acknowledgment, Eric and the commandos fired their jet pack rockets at the nearest AT-DP.

Once the walkers were destroyed, the Imperial 501st had to fall back from this area or their battalion would be wiped out, they tried calling in air support to cover them, but they laid eyes on the Star Destroyers being destroyed and descending on the planet in a fire ball. The sight of the enemy ships being destroyed caused the Mandalorians to give out war cries and chants while also taunting their fleeing enemies.

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