Chapter 11: Slaves of the Empire part I

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(Normal pov)

An Imperial Star Destroyer dropped out of hyperspace and entered the Shili system, home world of the Togrutan people. Within the Star Destroyer was an Imperial poacher by the name of Gonn Gobpeti but he prefers a nickname thats stuck with him— "Grisly."

Gonn is a slender figure and is lithe and lean in physic and has a shock of white hair due to him being in his mid sixties, he has light blue eyes and a sharp chin. Instead of dressed like the other Imperial officers, he has a sleek black coat over his body that bore the Imperial ranking badge on the front of coat, he wears a dark brown shirt as well as dark brown leather pants and sleek black boots.

"Sir, how do you intend to round up the Togrutans? You know they'll not come willingly." An Imperial officer stated, Gonn turned to his fellow officer and smirked. "Of that I have no doubt. But rest assured, I have a plan." The Imperial poacher made his way for the bridge exit, only to be met by a pack of red skinned, orange eyed and black scaled Trandoshans who all wore sleek black armor and armed with razor sharp hook swords, sidearm blasters and net guns. One of the Trandoshans, the alpha of this pack who was blind in his left eye and ghastly scar going down that same eye hissed out. "Waiting on you Grisly." Gonn smirked at his reptilian ally and patted his bicep. "I am here. Come." The Imperial poacher and the pack of Trandoshians that call themselves Deathgrippers followed their fellow hunter down to the hangar.

Once entering an Imperial shuttle down to Shili's planet surface, a squadron of TIE fighters escorted the poacher and his Deathgrippers to ensure that their transport was secured, not only that, but several troop transports followed the poachers shuttle and fighter escort. As soon as the Imperial air crafts broke through the atmosphere, an elegant and beautiful city came into view and the Imperials made their way towards the nearest port for their shuttle and gunships to land, the TIE fighters soon broke off from Gonn's shuttle as soon as it landed and doubled back to the Star Destroyer entering the atmosphere.

The shuttle ramp opened and Gonn was greeted to the sight of a handful of Togrutans who were all dressed in elegant clothing, no doubt these individuals were the hierarchy of Shili. The Togrutans tensed at the sight of Gonn's Trandoshan Deathgrippers and one of Togrutans stepped up and greeted their guests. "Welcome to Shili friends. How may we help the Empire this day?" Gonn gave that Togruta a predatory smirk and clicked his tongue before speaking. "I have been ordered by Emperor Palpatine to... gather you and your people to Zygerria to become slaves." The Togrutan leadership gasped in horror and the one who greeted Gonn then pleaded. "S-Slaves?! Why?!! We've done nothing to the Empire and the galaxy!" Gonn then shushed the Togruta and asked. "What is your name friend?" The Togruta licked his lips and stammered out. "Talihd. Governor Talihd." Nodding in acknowledgment, Gonn clarified as to why Talihd and his people are to become slaves. "Well you see governor, no doubt you and your people have heard of this... rebellion thats caused the Empire nothing but trouble and embarrassment?"

"Yes. We've heard." Talihd said, Gonn then smirked and continued. "It appears that one of these rebels is a Togrutan female by the name of Ahsoka Tano. She was once a Jedi during the Old Republic--"

"Ahsoka?! M-My daughter lives?!"

Gonn rose an eyebrow in both confusion and curiosity, looking past Talihd, the Imperial poacher laid eyes on a beautiful Togrutan female that looked to be in her late fifties. She had long lekku, orange skin and white markings on her delicate skin, green eyes and she wore a silver linen dress that hugged her curves. "You. What did you just say?" Gonn asked the Togrutan woman, one of the Trandoshan Deathgrippers snarled out and advanced towards the woman and dragged her to Gonn, causing the Togrutan female to shriek in fear and then she whimpered as Gonn leaned right into her face and seethed out. "What. Did. You. Just. Say?" The female swallowed her fear and stammered out. "Ahsoka. That is my daughter." Gonn pursed his lips and nodded but not before chuckling darkly. "It appears we have... leverage." He said to the Deathgripper alpha, causing the Trandoshan to snicker.

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