Chapter 12: Slaves of the Empire part II

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A/N: So if y'all watch Swtcw, then the Zygerrian story arc in season 4 is probably one of my favorites, in this chapter, Ahsoka pretty much wears the same slave outfit only instead of blue? Its white. So basically every slave on Zygerria as well as Imperial construction crews will be completing the Death Star and once the weapon is complete, the Empire obviously can't leave any witnesses to tell of the planet killers existence, so Zygerria is ultimately going to be destroyed as well as any non Imperial ship in the system.

(Normal pov)

The streets of Zygerria were full of life, mostly Zygerrian guards patrolling the streets, slaves all species and genders being towed around like cattle and slave traders across the galaxy putting up their latest slave stock up for auction and presenting said stock to the highest bidder. Among the crowds of people was Horus and Ahsoka, the Force Sentinel wore armor of a Zygerria slaver as well as a helmet to cover his identity from observation droids hovering around the city, while Ahsoka wore slavers outfit as well as a robe to cover her exposing body and a face veil covering her mouth. Horus had instructed Viscus and the his fleet of Mandalorian warships to hold position behind Zygerria's moon and if he was in need of them? He'd contact them.

Ashara and the rest of the Mando's Horus's age were tasked with locating the Togrutans from Shili and if possible? Free as many slaves as possible. Slavery was a fate that can be far worse than death and the young Force Sentinel felt pity and compassion for all the life forms who are forced to bow and scrape to over privileged, power hungry and criminal scum.

Horus and Ahsoka came to a stop as they sensed a disturbance in the Force, looking up in the sky, both Force users laid eyes on a TIE Advanced fighter. "Its Vader." Horus murmured out, Ahsoka however was feeling... nervous and terrified at the prospect of her former master and friend being here, especially when the very idea of slavery is an insult to Anakin... no, Vader's being. Turning to Ahsoka, Horus placed a hand on her shoulder and purred affectionately. "Its okay, I won't let him hurt you." Looking into my eyes, she nodded at her human lover. "I know. Its just... I don't know if I'm ready to see what the man I once called master and friend has become."

"I know. But we still have a job to do, I need you to stay focussed Ahsoka." Horus said firmly, causing the Togruta to nod in understanding and the two continued their way deeper into the city to find out rumors or whispers of the Shilian Togrutas location. Horus then used his ear comm to inform the rest of his team. "Listen up people, Darth Vader is on the planet as well. No doubt to ensure the Zygerrian king provides the Empire with the slaves needed to finish construction the Empire's super weapon."

::We copy Mandalore. And don't worry, we'll stay out of trouble::

"I know you will Milady, just giving you lot a heads up. Lets keep radio chatter low and stay focussed. Horus out." That being said, Horus laid eyes on a group of enslaved Twi'leks hauling in heavy bricks, one of the Twi'leks dropped her portion of bricks and fell to the floor while whimpering in agony and exhaustion. A Zygerrian task master pushed through the slaves and snarled out. "Get up! You useless scum!" The female Twi'lek sobbed out. "M-Master... please... I ne-need rest... the bricks are... are too heavy." Giving the slave a murderous glare, the Zygerrian pulled out his electro whip and seethed out. "Tell that to my whip!" Before raising raising his torture tool high up in the air and letting it fall down on the Twi'lek woman back violently, causing deadly volts of electricity to crawl up the slaves body.

It killed both Horus and Ahsoka, but they couldn't help that slave, if Horus was revealed? He'd be imprisoned and perhaps he would be stripped of his freedom and liberty by the Zygerrian people. By now the known galaxy knows who Horus Haddock III is and how he and Mandalore are openly fighting the Empire on the front lines and winning, the young Force Sentinel and leader of Mandalore couldn't afford to become a Zygerrian captive or slave.

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