Chapter 23: Conquer the darkness within

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A Mandalorian gauntlet fighter jumped out of hyperspace and approached a planet that was powerful with the Dark Side of the Force, in fact, this planet was the birthplace of the Sith Order itself.


Within the gauntlet fighter, Horus and Maul were taking the Skywalker twins to this planet so they could conquer their inner darkness so that it couldn't be used against them when they meet either Vader or Sidious. Turning to the red skinned tattooed Zabrak, Horus spoke. "Has Sidious ever taken you here when you were a Sith?" Pursing his lips, Maul shook his head. "No. Only Malachor, it was there at the sight of an ancient Sith temple, laid frozen corpses of both Jedi and Sith. Sidious then forced me to inhale the ash of the fallen Sith Lords and I could hear their dying screams, feel every lightsaber cut inflicted upon them and could see how the Jedi murdered every Sith during those times." Sighing heavily, Maul turned to Horus and continued. "But that is the past. Right now? We must ensure the Skywalker twins conquer the darkness within them."

Nodding in agreement at Maul's words, Horus then steered the gauntlet fighter down to the ancient planet, approaching the atmosphere, Horus could feel the power of the Dark Side here and how it called to him; tempting him with unimaginable power, secrets of immortality and other alluring promises of power, but he shook off the Dark Side luring him and proceeded to land the gauntlet fighter outside an ancient Sith temple. Lowering the ramp of the fighter, Horus, Maul, Luke and Leia were draped in robes and raised their hoods over their heads to shield them from the raging sandstorm.

"I feel so... cold." Leia said as she clutched herself closely, Luke turned to his sister and shivered himself. "So am I. I feel... hatred, anger, lust for blood and power." Maul turned to the Skywalker twins and clarified. "It is the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords. Thousands of years ago, the Sith numbered in the thousands, many of them delved in different variations— Inquisitors, Warriors, Sorcerers, Alchemists and even Infiltrators that managed to slip into the Republic and Jedi Order itself. Darth Sidious was the latter; able to remain undetected by the Jedi Order." Turning back to the Sith temple before them, Maul continued. "What we face in the temple is unknown, but whatever it is we face? The Dark Side will prey upon our darkest fears and attempt to corrupt us. Do not give into your fear."

Horus lead the way with Maul walking besides him and the twins walked behind the two masters of the Force, approaching the steps of the temple, Horus breathed out. "Some of the galaxy's most powerful Sith Lords originated from this planet— Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Darth Andeddu and many more." Humming in agreement, Maul turned to Horus seethed out. "The spirits of the fallen Sith will come to us and attempt to rob us of our mortal bodies and use them as their own vessels. We must enter with extreme caution."

"Agreed." Horus said to the Zabrak, he then turned to Luke and Leia and spoke to them both. "The spirits of the ancient Sith Lords will attempt to lure you with the promise of great power, but of course it'll be a ruse; an attempt to rob you of your mortal bodies so that they could claim them for themselves and return to our galaxy." Placing a hand on each twins shoulders, Horus smiled at them and encouraged them. "I can sense the close bond you two share. Watch each others backs. Remember your training and trust in the Force."

That being said, the group entered the ancient Sith temple and the walls illuminated with the ancient Sith tongue, and blood red light shone off the ancient language. Removing their hoods, the four Force users then entered an inner chamber that held decayed corpses splayed out on the floor, against the wall and even their guts and intestines were hanging from the statues, causing the group to steel their stomachs and nerves at the gruesome display.

"They are simply scarecrows. Do not give into fear." Maul said, the Skywalker twins nodded at the Zabrak's words and stepped forward until they stood in the center of the chamber, Luke turned back and looked to Horus and Maul before asking them. "Will you not come with us?" Horus shook his head at Luke and explained. "This is a path only you and Leia must take. If I am to fall? You and Leia stand as the galaxy's last hope in ending the Sith and their madness. But first, you must conquer the darkness within you so that the Sith do you prey upon it and have an opportunity to turn you to the Dark Side." Horus then offered the dirty blond Skywalker a light smile and nod. "Trust in the Force. It will guide both you and your sister." Bowing his head in understanding and thanks, Luke and Leia delved deeper within the Sith temple while Horus and Maul stood at the entrance and awaited the Skywalker twins to return.

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