Chapter 29: Anakin Skywalker returns

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(Normal pov)

Darth Vader could feel his former friends Force signatures at the steps of the Imperial Palace, and every step caused memories of his life as Anakin Skywalker to hit him like a meteoroid. Obi Wan was like the father and brother he never had, they had been on countless adventures together and fought many battles together. He remembered how he maimed him on Mustafar and left him to burn, that thought alone caused anger to swell within the Sith Lord.

And then Ahsoka.

Vader could remember when he first met the Togruta on Christophsis and taking the young girl under his wing. He remembered watching her die on Mortis, only to be resurrected and restored back to the Light Side by the Daughter. He remembered her... leaving the Jedi Order and leaving him as well, after standing by her side and proving her innocence after being accused for the crimes Barriss Offee committed.

But Ahsoka left him, when he needed her.

Again, Vader's anger swelled and rose to a boiling point.

Finally reaching the Imperial Palace, the Sith Lords fist trembled with rage at the sight of Obi Wan and Ahsoka, as well as... two unfamiliar Jedi. Turning his sight back on Kenobi and Tano however, Vader knew that both of them wronged him and the past; left and inflicted grievous injuries on him, both emotionally and physically. The Sith Lord activated his blood red lightsaber and snarled out. "You should never have come here. Now you will die." He then leaped in the air towards his former friends, causing both the aged Jedi Master and Togruta to back away as Vader landed where they were standing previously.

Lashing out his former master, Vader let out an animalistic like roar as his blood red lightsaber made contact with his azure blade. Ahsoka activated her white blades and rushed the Sith Lord, pushing Obi Wan to the ground, Vader locked his blade with the blades of his former apprentice. Before Ahsoka could react, Vader bashed his mask into her face, causing her to cry out in pain and wobble back, lifting the Togruta in the air, he then chucked her towards Luke and Leia who caught her with the Force and set her back down on two feet. 

Quickly defending his back, Vader turned around to once more be face to face with Obi Wan. "Your powers have weakened old man." The Sith Lord stated, disappointed that his former master was now but a shadow of what he once was in his prime, he wanted a proper challenge from the Jedi who left him for dead on Mustafar. Obi Wan tried stabbing Vader, but the Sith sidestepped the old mans attack and grabbed both his wrists in a bone crushing grip an successfully disarmed the old Jedi Master. "Now you will die." Vader declared as he was about to finish Kenobi off, only for both Luke and Leia to push their father back and therefore releasing Master Kenobi. 

As Vader recovered from the twins push, Ahsoka hurled one of her lightsabers at the Sith Lord and sprinting towards him at lightning speeds. Vader simply extended his hand out and halted Ahsoka's hurled lightsaber and then he once more activated his lightsaber and halted Ahsoka's direct attack. "I can sense your fear my former apprentice." Vader stated as he broke off from the blade lock and managed to slash Ahsoka's breast plate and causing her to scream in pain. "I can sense your fear." The Sith continued as he took Ahsoka's other lightsaber within his hand and stalked towards her. 

Before Vader could do anything else, the Sith Lords path towards Ahsoka was blocked by Luke and Leia who already had their own lightsabers activated and halted their fathers advances. Luke swung at Vaders head, but the Sith ducked his attack and moved behind him only to kick him in the back and then to stop Leia's attack with both his blade and Ahsoka's, the Sith Lord kicked his daughter in the chest, the force of his kick sent her back and successfully knocked the air out of her lungs. 

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