Chapter 6: An old friend

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(Horus's pov)

Its been over a week since our first major victory against the Empire and after the conclusion of that battle? We celebrated for three days straight. Mandalore's greatest warriors, counts, countess's, senators and people were all calling me 'Mandalore the Rebel.' There hasn't been a being called Mandalore since the days of the Old Republic, I questioned the people if it was wise granting such a title on my shoulders, there was no arguments given about the title, my people simply said that I've earned the name.

Now, as Mandalore the Rebel, I now rule the entire planet and I've ensured that our planetary defenses are set and ensured that production of Basilisk war machines being manufactured, ion cannons spread out across the wilderness and outposts to be built there and I've ensured that all our people are trained in the ways of old; to ensure that we can defend ourselves and prepare the future generation of Mandalorians.

Currently, I was overseeing construction on a new fleet of Wraith warships, accompanying me was an old family friend named Gunnat Bedihoms, or when he's drunk we nickname him 'Blecher.' Gunnat is our peoples greatest weapons smith and forger, he and those who work with him have helped us producing more advanced weapons as well as armor should we need it, because our old armor was gifted to all of us by those before us; the blood stained in the armor, the wear and tears, the story it tells? Our legacy and family names live on in our armor.

"So, Horus, I trust you're finding these new weapons to your liking?" Gunnat asked, turning to the bald headed, I smirk at him and nod. "Your work is... astonishing. The craftsmanship of the blasters, wrist gauntlets and... everything is outstanding." Gunnat chuckled lightly and stroked his pointy blond beard. "You're too kind Mandalore, I'm happy to aid my people in any way that I can." Gunnat was one of peoples veteran warriors, he fought along side my father against traitorous Mandalorian houses, the two of them made a legendary team. Unfortunately Gunnat lost a hand and foot in battle, causing him to get cybernetic appendages, but the old timer was still strong, regardless of his wounds.

"You've already done more than enough Gunnat, I can't thank you enough." I said with a warm smile, Gunnat returned my smile and nodded in thanks, but before we could speak another word, my holo projector began beeping, detaching it off my belt I open the projector and smile at the sight of my woman— Ashara Hofferson. "Well good morning Milady, you're a sight for sore eyes." I compliment, causing Ashara to give me a coy smile and chuckle.

::Oh, I know::

I silently bid Gunnat farewell and the weapons forger urges me to get going with a smile. Turning back to Ashara on the holo projector, I cock my head slightly. "Now, how can I help you Milady?"

::Several transport ships have landed at the port, there's someone here who wants to see you::

Who would want to see me? I lick my lips and ask. "Is it someone I know?" Ashara shrugged and replied back.

::Its a Togrutan female, has orange skin, she says you two are friends::

My eyes widened at Ashara's words, there was only one Togrutan female I've personally known. "I'm on my way now Milady." Nodding in acknowledgment, we ended the holo call and I activated my jetpack and flew towards the port to encounter... an old friend.

(Ten minutes later)

Arriving at the space port, I landed on the ground and laid eyes on Ashara, Ty and Rain accompanied by Mando super commandos, they had weapons pointed at the orange skinned Togrutan female, I then spoke out. "Stand down!" Turning around Ashara nodded and the rest of my companions and warriors holstered their blasters. I then approached the Togruta and smile lightly at the sight of who it is. "Ahsoka Tano. Long time no see." Ahsoka Tano was Anakin Skywalker's apprentice during the Clone Wars, but she was expelled from the Jedi Order when she was accused of bombing the Jedi temple, when the real attacker, a fallen Jedi named Barriss Offee was arrested for her crimes by Anakin Skywalker and he successfully proved his apprentices innocence, but when she was offered another chance to rejoin the Jedi? She declined and went her own path.

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