Chapter 28: Battle of Coruscant part II

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(Horus's pov)

This was it.

Our galaxy's fate was in the balance and the steaks could not have been higher.

We needed to win.


We will win.

After the battle in Coruscant's orbit was won, we regrouped our forces and prepared for the second stage of our attack on the Imperial capital.

Currently, all Alliance capital ships were deploying all its soldiers in gunships while our fighters ensured troops landed on the ground. I gave my children, Ashara, Val and my friends an equally important mission— ensuring that the citizens of the Empire weren't harmed and kept out of harms way. My followers actually showed me footage of Imperial citizens on Coruscant being executed for speaking out against the Emperor and even for supporting our cause.

That was both horrifying and good news. Horrifying because Sidious would do such a thing to his people, obviously. And good because the citizens of the Empire are finally seeing what their "protectors" stand for.

I was within the Millennium Falcon alongside Ahsoka, Maul and Cori as well as a squad of Mandalorian commandos. Chewbacca growled and snarled as the Falcon shook, Han then turned back to me and barked out. "The Empire isn't going down without a fight, that's for sure!" Humming in agreement, I then speak out. "Get us as close to the Imperial Palace as you can Solo. Once we're dropped off? Assist our air forces." Han nodded firmly in understanding before turning his attention back to flying.

Horus then sensed a disturbance in the Force.

It was Sidious.

The Sith Lord was in the act of a ritual to... drain the Force out of everyone on Coruscant to further fuel his power and go to toe with the Force Sentinel himself.

"Han! I don't care what it takes! Get us to the Imperial Palace by any means necessary! We need to end this fast!"

The Alliance general barked out over the heavy fire that shook and rattled the Falcon. "Doing what I can here Haddock! Whats the rush?" Letting out a growl, Horus barked back. "The Emperor. He's going to drain the living Force out of everything living thing on Coruscant to further fuel his own power. I won't let that happen." Han merely grunted in acknowledgment as he and Chewbacca returned their attention back to flying the Corellian light freighter.

Approaching his fellow Mandalorians and Force users, the Alliance leader proceeded to give his followers a rallying speech before going into battle. "You all joined my Rebel Alliance to fight for freedom! To protect the galaxy from the tyranny and oppression of the Sith and the Empire. Today, we will show our enemies the power of our united strength!" Horus then pulled out a holo projector and activated it, revealing the holographic image of Emperor Palpatine. "Darth Sidious seeks to conquer our galaxy and move on into the Unknown Regions in search of something dark and sinister. It is now our duty to ensure the people of Coruscant see that we're fighting to free them from tyranny, tear down the evil Galactic Empire and vanquish Sith Order once and for all! Victory or death!"


The Mandalorian commandos roared out before proceeding to arm themselves and gear up, Horus turned to Maul and Cori and nodded at the red skinned tattooed beings. "Today? You will avenge your mother, brother and people. That I promise you." Horus said to the former Sith Lord, Maul nodded firmly and nodded. "I look forward to it." Was the Zabrak's response. Horus then turned to Ahsoka and caressed her cheek lovingly and spoke. "I have a task for you, Obi Wan, Luke and Leia." Cocking her head curiously, Ahsoka awaited her lovers next words. "You four will confront Vader and the Inquisitorious, if all else fails? You four must find a way to bring Anakin Skywalker back to the Light Side." Ahsoka inhaled sharply at her lovers words, she missed her old master and friend so much and to see what he has become? It kills her.

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