Chapter 8: Merging forces

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(Normal pov— Corusaunt, Imperial capital)

Emperor Palpatine had concluded a session of politics within the Imperial Senate and the Sith Lord made his way into his office. Seating himself in his chair, the Sith Lords anger swelled inside of him at the news of his apprentices defeat on Mandalore and that 'Vader's Fist' failed to conquer the rebellious planet and on top of that, the rebels destroyed sixteen Star Destroyers and inflicted heavy damage on Vader's flagship— The Executor. As punishment for failing, Palpatine and his Inquisitors were exposed to the full power of the Dark Side in the form of fatal torrents of Force lightning at Sidious's hand, shocking them within inches of their lives.

Reaching under his desk, Sidious pulled out a Sith holocron and used his power to open it, once opening the pyramid shaped holocron, information sprang forth and the Sith Lord devoured the ancient knowledge. The holocron he was using belonged to the ancient Sith Lord, Nihilus, Sidious was looking for something within the ancient holocron of Darth Nihilus, something that would be... very useful to him and could further increase his vast power in the Dark Side of the Force. After skimming through the valuable and rich knowledge, Sidious found what he was looking for, a sinister smirk spread across Palpatine's face.

The ability to Force drain.

Yes, this ability has served Nihilus well, to be able to devour his enemies power and take as his own and even strip away the power Vader and his Inquisitors had. But ultimately? Sidious knew that if he was going to stand a chance against Horus, he'd need to master this power and put an end to the young mans power. Before Sidious could continue learning how to master this ability,  his office doors opened to reveal Darth Vader, the half man half machine dark lord approached his master and kneeled before him. "Apprentice." Sidious said as he closed the holocron and placed it back a hidden compartment under his desk. Palpatine rose to his feet and urged Vader to walk by him as they made their way out of his office.

"Despite your more recent failure, I have a task for you and Governor Tarkin."

Vader turned to his master and asked. "And what task is it that you place on myself and Tarkin master?" Sidious looked up at his apprentice and bore his yellow stained teeth at Vader. "You and Tarkin are to continue overseeing construction the secret weapon. The battle station has been moved to Geonosis, construction stations and crews are making excellent progress, but we will need the aid of the Geonosian bugs to aid in the creation of the weapon." Vader looked away from his master while the two finally arrived at a balcony leading outside the senate building. "How long am I on this assignment?" Vader asked, the emperor of the galaxy gave his apprentice a simple answer. "Until I am confident that you will not fail me again."

That being said, Vader bowed his head and took his leave, while Sidious remained outside and smiled at himself at the empire he created. If his rule was to last more than three years, he'd have to eliminate his enemies sooner rather than later. A what better way of doing that than continue to study Darth Nihilus's ancient power and spend his time in Sith sorcery as well.

"Through strength, I gain power, through power, I gain victory." Sidious murmured to himself while chuckling darkly while heading back inside his office to further his power in the Dark Side.

(Horus's pov)

Upon returning to Mandalore, my people thought me mad for bringing Maul here, they angrily reminded me of how the Zabrak plunged our world into civil war and how it weakened our people, but I reminded them that I rule over them and that Maul was under my protection and if they had a problem with that? They'd answer to me. Currently, Ahsoka, Maul and I were in my palace throne room while discussing possible ways of gathering more planets and people to join our rebellion. Senator Organa's rebel cell had arrived not long ago and were reporting to Ahsoka, since she was one Bail's trusted enforcers in his cell.

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