Chapter 19: Sealed fate

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(Horus's pov)

I was slowly regaining consciousness, but my head was pounding and throbbing in pain. Attempting to cradle my head, I couldn't do so due to the binders around my wrists, looking around my surroundings, I can see that I'm inside an Imperial detention cell. The doors of my cell opened and revealed Darth Vader and accompanied by Death Troopers, the Sith Lord then spoke. "You've awakened, good. I trust you can walk?" Slowing sitting up, I groan and look around the cell before asking. "Where are we?" Instead of answering, Vader turned to two of the Death Troopers, the elite troopers entered my cell and forced me up to my feet and led me out of my cell.

"You're taking me to your master." I state to Vader, the fallen Chosen One turned his head and gave a firm nod. "You stand as one of the only beings in our galaxy that is on equal footing in both skills of the Force and with a lightsaber. The Emperor will persuade you to join us."

"And I will deny him." I say firmly, Vader scoffed lightly. "If that is what you will do, than you are doomed." Attempting to reach out to Ahsoka or Maul through the Force, my telepathic message to them is blocked thanks to the raw power of Vader. It didn't take us long to reach the hangar of the Sith Lords flagship, we then proceeded to enter a shuttle, once on board, the aircraft lifted off and exited the Imperial Super Star Destroyer.

I tried once more to reach out to Ahsoka, Maul and Cori through the Force, but it was a fruitless attempt, Vader then spoke. "You're friends cannot save you, not when I am blocking your Force signature." Turning to the fallen Chosen One, I snorted and eyed him from head to toe before curling one of my lips up. "So I see." I growled out, the I then glance at Vader's belt to see both my lightsaber and Darksaber there, licking my lips, I then try to think of a plan of escape, but this shuttles pilot then announced over the intercom.

::Lord Vader, Imperial Citadel in sight, final landing procedures initiated::

Within seconds, the shuttle touched down and the ramp to our shuttle opened, Vader stepped out first and I was pushed from behind by the Death Troopers to lead me outside. Looking outside, I see that we're on Coruscant by the looks of it, we were located at the Industrial Sector and it seems that heavy Imperial presence was established here, specifically to act as security to prevent those locked away in the citadel from ever escaping. Looking in front of me, I lay eyes on six Imperial Royal Guards and Darth Sidious himself approaching us, Vader then bowed down, as did the Death Troopers escorting me towards their leader.

"My master." Vader said with his head bowed, the Sith Emperor then placed his deformed hand on Vader's shoulder and squeezed gently. "Rise my friend." Vader did so and then the Sith master turned to me and approached, a sinister smile crept across his face and I cringed in disgust at the sight of Sidious's deformed face and his yellow stained teeth. "Horus Haddock. A pleasure to see you again." Baring my teeth at the Sith Lord, I snarled out. "There's nothing pleasurable about it." Sidious's smile then disappeared at my tone and he too bore his teeth at me before speaking cooly. "I'll ask you only once, surrender yourself to me; give into the Dark Side of the Force and reveal to me the location of your Rebel Alliance." Nodding, Sidious snickers before continuing. "Yes. I know that Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and Bel Iblis are apart of your insignificant rebellion and that they have the resources needed for your cause to fester and grow. Surrender the location of you allies and I will—"


I said firmly and boldly, Sidious cocked his head slightly. "No?" He asked in a deadly tone, I nodded at him and repeat. "No. I'll never betray my followers, those I love, my cause nor will ever submit to your evil." Sidious gave me a murderous glare as he then nodded slightly. "So be it." Turning his back to me, the Sith Emperor spoke once more. "If you will not be turned? Then you shall suffer a fate worse than death." Turning around, Sidious extended his hand out and my body froze still, I then gasp in horror as I could feel my strength and my power being drained. "N-NO!!" I cried out, Sidious however began laughing as he continued performing Force drain against me.

"Yes, yes! Such power!" Sidious said in such a lustful tone as he continued to strip away my power, resisting was not an option, since I could do nothing but take it. My mind screamed at me for me to do something, anything! Looking at Vader, I close my eyes and rip both my lightsaber and the Darksaber off his belt and activate them and attempt to butcher Sidious, but using his left hand, the Dark Lord halts both my blades dead in their tracks while he still continues to drain my power like a leech. Groaning in exhaustion and agony, I then watch in horror as both my lightsabers deactivate and clatter on the ground and Sidious has finished draining my power, with the deed done? I fall to my knees and breath heavily.

"With you powers added to my own? I shall become even more powerful!" Sidious exclaimed, he then looked down on me before ordering the nearest Death Troopers to lift me up, once on my feet, the Dark Lord looks right into my eyes and smiles wickedly. "You had such promise; had you joined me? You could've been my successor! You were already more than an equal." Giving an almost... pitiful look, Sidious shakes his head. "Now? You shall suffer." A razor sharp blade embedded itself into my abdomen, causing me to cry out in pain, when the blade was removed, I could see the blade in Sidious's cold hand was glistening with not only my blood but with...


I stammered out, Sidious nodded. "You will now be placed in carbonite while the poison slowly kills you." Letting out a shuddering breath, I try freeing myself from the Death Troopers, but one of them bashed the butt of his rifle into my gut, successfully knocking the wind out of lungs and causing me to wheeze and gasp fo breath. "Before you are placed in carbonite, I have a message to deliver to your pathetic rebellion." Sidious declared, a holo net droid appeared and began broadcasting Sidious's message to the known galaxy.

"People of the galaxy, I, Emperor Palpatine have in my clutches Mandalore the Rebel— leader of the Rebel Alliance. Know this, this young man is now a prisoner of the Empire, he will never again see the light of day and to those he follow him? Know that you will be hunted down, eradicated and then made examples of to teach the galaxy that resistance, rebellion and defiance are concepts that cannot and will not be tolerated. The actions the rebels have inflicted upon the Empire will be replayed in full! As Emperor of the galaxy, I promise you this: the enemies of the Empire will face the full power of the Imperial armies and the destructive might of the Death Star! The Rebel Alliance will pay for its warmongering ways. And every last planet allied with our enemies will burn!"

The holo net droid ended its live recording and Sidious turned back to me and then turned to Vader. "Ensure that Haddock is placed into carbonite and lead our military forces to snuff out the final Jedi and crush this rebellions throat in and make and show the galaxy what happens when they dare to defy the Sith and its power." Those were the last words I heard as one of the Death Troopers bashed the butt of their rifle into the back of my head and causing me to lose consciousness.

What happens next is unknown, but whatever the future hold? I trust in the Force.

Now more than ever.

A/N: Shorty, I know. But right now I'm dealing with real world problems that demands more immediate attentions. I hope y'all are enjoying this story and please understand that writing these stories for you guys takes a great of energy; both physically and mentally. Leave feedback and if there's anything you want to see in this story, be sure let me know and maybe I'll apply it in some way and I'll catch y'all in the next chapter.

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