Chapter 20: Restored

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(Normal pov)

Horus snapped his eyes opened as he took in his surroundings and immediately noticed that he wasn't in the physical realm, rather he was in a trance like state. It appeared as if Horus was in the world between worlds, but instead of portals, it was just the empty vacuum of space and he was standing on a moon of some kind.

"I have always loved the stars."

Turning to he right Horus's eyes widened in surprise to see his ancestor once more— Denlee Haddock. The young Force Sentinel smiled lightly at the Force ghost and greeted him. "I wondered if I'd see you again." Denlee smiled at Horus and extended his arms out.

"Here I am, flesh of my flesh."

Horus then let out a sigh as he looked around he and shook his head. "Sidious... he drained my powers. I can call upon the Force no longer." Turning to the spirit of his ancestor, Horus asked. "Has the Sith truly severed my connection to the Force?"

"No. Only temporarily. But the absence of your powers are one of many problems you face." Denlee stated as he approached Horus pointed to the blade wound in his abdomen. "The Dark Lord has poisoned you, and as such? Your body is dying."

Running a hand through his hair, Horus growled out. "Time is not my friend; I could die while I'm still in carbonite and the Sith will have struck a crippling blow to my Rebel Alliance." Denlee's spirit then walked towards a ledge of where they were standing on, causing Horus to cock his head in confusion and follow his ancestor.

"Time may not be your friend, but time has certainly been an ally to your rebellion."

Joining Denlee at the ledge, Horus could see a cloud of fog that transformed into two beings, armed with blue and green lightsabers, one male and one female. From the way these two were sparring? They were experts at lightsaber combat, the male however overpowered the female, and once the female was downed, the male deactivated his lightsaber and helped the female up before dusting her off.

"You'll get me next time."

"That's exactly what you said last time Luke."

Horus's eyes widened in shock.

Luke and Leia Skywalker!

By the looks of them? They were... nineteen years old!

Turning back to Denlee, Horus let out a shuddering breath and asked. "How long have I been in carbonite?" The Force Sentinel's ancestor sighed heavily and answered.

"For nineteen years."

Letting out a horrified gasp, Horus began murmuring nonsense to himself while running a hand through his hair and chuckled in utter disbelief. Once he got ahold of himself, Horus turned to his ancestor and stated. "Without a center to hold on to... without me... the Rebel Alliance and the galaxy is certainly doomed." Turning back to the fog that still held the forms of Luke and Leia, he saw the twins hug each other before wandering off elsewhere and their forms evaporated. "If I am to die? Then those two are the galaxy's last hope of finishing what I started."

"Your allies have not given up on you, flesh of my flesh. Because your connection to the Force was stripped away by Sidious? It has caused your allies quiet some time to find you."

Denlee and Horus then were transported to Tython, the sight of the Rebel Alliance's base of operations caused a light smile to creep across Horus's face, but he was even more shocked to see the ancient homeward of the Jedi held millions of rebels from across the galaxy to join the cause. That and it seemed an increase of Jedi were there to lead the average rebel soldiers, the Mandalorian forces were still among the elite within the rebellion and continued their duties as trainers, instructors and special forces and then the sight of Horus's loved ones caused the man to nearly sob.

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