Chapter 30: Balance

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(Horus's pov)

The disturbance in the Force was close, I could feel it with each step that I took. Maul, Cori and I had just carved through a legion of the Emperors finest warriors within the palace, but now we were on our way to rid the galaxy of Darth Sidious and the Sith once and for all.

My thoughts turned to those I loved— Ashara, Zoey, Novak, Val and Ahsoka. They're my family and I want them to live without the fear of tyranny, oppression and utter annihilation at the hands of the Empire.

Today would be the day where I bring balance to the Force.

We enter a chamber that was dimly lit, except for the bright blue fire rising and burning within a bowl and Darth Sidious himself performing his ritual to drain the living Force out of every being on Coruscant and to further fuel his power to compete with me. I then Force push the bowl away from Sidious and it shatters on the ground, the room suddenly catches ablaze with blue fire, causing the Sith Lord to look at me with pure hatred.

"Darth Sidious! For your crimes against the galaxy, I, Horus Haddock III of the Force Sentinel Order will carry out your execution." I boomed out while pointing my yellow bladed lightsaber at my foe. The Sith Lord then slowly advanced towards me, Maul and Cori got in battle stances while giving the current Sith Master murderous glares.

A sinister smile then crept across Sidious's face and he spoke. "Truly, we need not be adversaries my boy. It is clear that you are my equal and as such? You would make a worthy successor." Extending a hand out, Sidious spoke with a smooth tongue. "Surrender your forces and I promise you and the ones you love will be spared; they will live in comfort, luxury and security."

"As hostages." I stated.

"As citizens of the Empire." Sidious corrected, he then continued. "Become my apprentice. Give yourself fully to the Dark Side of the Force and I will ensure your companions will live... if you will only kneel."

"I will never again kneel to you old man!!" Maul snarled out, Sidious turned to the Zabrak and cocked his head at him. "You would rather die than admit my superiority over you Maul?" Baring his teeth at his former master, Maul spat out. "It is you who fears death you withered corpse! I do not. I will not kneel!!"

"Nor I." Cori said firmly before continuing. "Your Empire is done and we're going to bury you with it."

Nodding in agreement with both my red skinned, tattooed allies, I look Sidious in the eyes and speak. "We will fight. And you will die." My words caused Sidious to frown and then nod lightly. "Unfortunate." Was his response to my words, out of the shadows emerged Sidious Royal Guards, armed with lightsaber pikes, the Sith Lord then snarled out. "Destroy them!" The Royal Guards pounced at us but I dashed right at Sidious with the intent to strike him down where he stood, however he acquired his lightsaber from within the sleeve of his robes and locked his blood red blade with my burning yellow blade.

"Your resistance is futile boy! I have gained more power in the Dark Side than ever before!" Sidious cackled out as he broke our blade lock and summersaulted backwards and then sent a fatal torrent of Force lightning my way. I held my saber up and my blade absorbed Sidious's lightning, when the Sith ceased his attack in the Force, I whirled my blade around and turned back to Maul and Cori who were dealing with the Royal Guards, the Zabrak looked at me and nodded firmly. "End this." Was all he said before refocussing his efforts on defeating the enemy combatants.

Turning back to Sidious, the Sith Lord then spoke in a ancient Sith language, the Sith statues in this chamber then came to life as their eyes glowed blood red and ancient Sith language was inscribed on the stone. "Destroy my enemy!" Sidious boomed out to the statues, these statues approached me with the intent of fulfilling Sidious's command, one of them tried punching me, but I sidestepped the punch and sliced off their arm, causing the arm of stone to shatter once making contact with the ground. I then proceeded to hack that statues head off its shoulders and Force push its body towards Sidious, who managed to stop the statue in its tracks and crush it to dust by simply clenching his deformed hand into a fist.

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