Chapter 27: Battle of Coruscant part I

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(Normal pov)

Darth Sidious was seated on his throne within the Imperial Palace and felt a great disturbance in the Force, already knowing that Horus and his Rebel Alliance were on the way to inflict a catastrophic blow to the Empire, the Sith Lord then turned to his apprentice. "Lord Vader." Said Sith Lord was by his masters side and bowed down. "What is thy bidding, my master?" Sidious then rose from his throne and spoke his desires. "Our enemies have relived Tarkin and Krennic of the Death Star and will use its power against our navy, that and I sense... a far more ancient weapon in the rebels hands. With these two super weapons turned towards us and the full might of the Alliance fleet? Our navy will receive a challenge this day..." Sidious then placed his pale and deformed hand on Vader's shoulder and continued. " must prepare our forces on the ground once the rebels have defeated our navy. Our finest armies will follow you, the Inquisitorious, Dryden Bludvist and his warlords into the battle ahead of us."

"And what of you master?" Vader asked, Sidious gripped his apprentice's shoulder slightly and answered. "I will perform a ritual that while ensure our total victory over the Alliance. There is no need to worry about my person Lord Vader, my Royal Guards will protect me with their lives." Releasing Vader's shoulder, Sidious then granted Vader to rise, once back on his feet, the half man half machine Sith Lord watched his master made his way out of the throne room before he then turned back to Vader and looked him right in the eye. "You must be ruthless Lord Vader. If even a single rebel survives? This Alliance we've unwittingly created will be our undoing." Sidious then took his leave, once he was out of sight, Vader looked outside to see how peaceful Coruscant was, his cybernetic hands then clenched into fists and he seethed out to himself.

"It will be mine. This Empire and every thing you've kept secret from me will all be mine. Very soon."

(Coruscant's orbit)

The Imperial capital of Coruscant was blockaded by the whole Imperial fleet, Emperor Palpatine informed his navy that the enemy was preparing a full scale invasion and that all hands were needed to defend Coruscant from the rebel invasion. On board the Imperial Star Destroyer, Chimaera was Grand Admiral Thrawn stood on his flagships bridge and looked out into the vacuum of space, the Chiss male pursed his lips before turning around at his crew. "Have you received word from Grand Moff Tarkin or the Director Krennic?" One of the crew members shook their heads. "Negative sir, they should've been back by now." Humming in agreement, Thrawn was about to contact his two companions, that was until a small ship jumped out of hyperspace in front of the Imperial navy.

Cocking his head, Thrawn turned to his crew for answers. "The ship is Mandalorian class and its a gauntlet fighter sir." One of the crew members said, the Imperial Grand Admiral then made direct contact with the ship and was surprised to see Horus Haddock. "Ah, Mandalore the Rebel, welcome back to Coruscant. I trust you've arrived to surrender yourself and your insignificant rebellion?" The Force Sentinel gave a humorless snicker and shook his head.

::In your dreams you Chiss serpent. There will be no surrender, only the Empire's destruction::

"And yet you vastly outnumbered and have come alone. Very foolish." Thrawn said with a sinister grin, however that grin vanished when Horus flashed a grin of his own.

::Who said I was alone?::

The Death Star then emerged right behind Horus, then the Crimson Star and then the entire Alliance fleet. On board the Chimaera, the alarms were sounded and the crew of the ship prepared for battle and Horus then snarled out at the Chiss Grand Admiral.

::You played a part of Mandalore's destruction! And I will see you dead for destroying my home::

That being said, Horus steered his gauntlet fighter straight at Thrawn's flagship, while the Alliance fleet launched all fighters and opened fired on the Imperial navy, the same was said of the Imperial forces orbiting Coruscant. Managing to evade thousands of TIE fighters heading his way, Horus shot down the Chimaera's shield generators and then proceeded to pull back towards the Alliance fleet. "Attention all Alliance vessels, Grand Admiral Thrawn's capital ships shields are down. Reduce that Chiss scum to star dust."

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