Chapter 10: Down goes the ship yard

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(Horus's pov)

"C'mon, move it rebel scum!"

I snarled at the Stormtrooper behind me who jammed his blaster into my back, turning to Ahsoka, I could see pain etched into her face, and o honestly can't blame her. Barriss was her friend back in the Clone Wars, they destroyed a massive droid factory during the second battle of Geonosis and they were like sisters for quite some time.

That was until the Jedi temple was bombed.

Many Jedi disagreed in their roles as 'generals' or 'commanders' during the war, they were keepers of the peace, not soldiers and that led to handfuls of Jedi to either stray from the former order or to turn to the Dark Side. Barriss was one of those fallen Jedi who embraced darkness, after she was taken away after Ahsoka's trial, she wasn't seen again, I had assumed that Sidious just killed her, but seeing her as an Inquisitor did come to a surprise.

"I'm sorry." I say to Ahsoka, she turns to me and gives me a sad smile. "Its okay, she made her choice." She then frowns and sighs shakily. "I just hope she realizes that she made a terrible mistake."

"Stop talking!" One of the Stormtroopers barks out as he bashes his blaster into Ahsoka's back, causing her to growl out in pain and turn her head. "Do that agin and you will regret it." She seethed out, causing the Stormtrooper to merely grunt and then we came to a stop. Opening our detention cell, the Stormtroopers push us inside and lose our footing crash down on the ground, groaning in pain and give the Imperial troopers murderous glares just as they then close the doors. "I guess Maul and Cori are in another detention cell." I murmured, causing Ahsoka to hum in agreement. "Well, now that we're the Empire's prisoners, what now? If Admiral Reiland contacts his superiors, Viscus and the Flightmare won't stand a chance against the reinforcements that arrive." I turn to my Togrutan lover and smirk at her. "Yes I know. But first, I think I should repay you from earlier in the shower." I then approach Ahsoka and gently press her against the cell wall and she gives me a disbelieving look while giggling. "You want to do this here? Are you insane?!" She squeaks out, I grin at her tone and wink before answering.

"I guess so."

Steadily I peel her leggings down, my gaze falling away from hers, once her leggings stopped right at her ankles, I laid eyes on her glistening flower. I smile widely and stare at her womanhood, thrilled to see it up close. I could hear Ahsoka's heart racing as she watches me lean in, my face hovering so close she can feel my breath tickling her glistening sex. I pause for a moment until she's about to say something, when suddenly she feels my tongue press against her, pushing between her lips and probing between them.

Ahsoka gasps loudly, her hands going to my head as I presses my lips against her delicate flower. I continue to push her leggings and skirt down past her knees as I rubs her crotch with my lips and tongue. The beautiful Togruta quickly spreads her legs as much as she can to give me better access, awkward as it is while she stands. My heart racing, I drag my tongue down the slit of her sex as she opens herself up to me, stroking over her folds, causing Ahsoka to moan throatily at the feeling.

I'm amazed by the velvety softness of her skin down here, but I'm even more stunned by how wet she is. For the first time, I get to taste her nectar, smelling it as I breathes in deeply, the sweetness of it driving me absolutely wild.

I find her opening with my tongue, which I then proceed to lick with slow movements, slowly working my tongue inside of her. Ahsoka grips my hair tightly, her knees weakening as I drag my tongue back up and finds that raised spot, rubbing over it.

"I..." She starts to say, pausing to moan louder as he rubs over that spot. "I need to lie down." She says, whimpering as I continues to linger between her legs. She sucks in her breath as I grab her pert backside tightly with both hands, my fingers gripping her cheeks firmly as my tongue rubs against her hardened nub, causing her knees to buckle.

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