Chapter 3: Mandalorian combat

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(Horus's pov)

Roars of excitement and anticipation reached my ears as both Eric and I entered the training arena which now served as our battlefield. All the clans under House Haddock had gathered to witness Eric and I battle in traditional Mandalorian combat, I could see many of the people placing wages and bets on who would win, of course the majority of them placed their bets on Eric. Among the crowd, I saw Ashara alongside handfuls of Mando's our age, she gave me a worried look, but I smiled lightly at her in reassurance before taking my position.

When the cheers had subsided, Eric cracked his knuckles and raised his eyebrows at me. "What are the stakes?" I purse my lips before answering his question. "If I win? All accusations of me being a traitor and that I abandoned my heritage are dissolved." Eric snickered lightly and nodded. "Sure. But when I win? You are never to return to Mandalore." I inhale sharply at Eric's words, as I get into a battle stance, Eric reaches behind his back and produces a vibroblade. My eyes widened in disbelief and shock. "What is this?! We agreed that we'd fight with no weapons!" Eric shook his head and grinned. "No. You agreed that you'd fight me without your lightsaber and powers, I didn't say anything about surrendering my weapons."

Activating his jetpack, Eric flew straight towards me with his vibroblade in hand and ready to strike me down, once he was in range, I leaped over him but managed to grab his right ankle, grunting in a effort to free himself from my grasp, he pointed his left arm towards me and fired his wrist blasters at me, snarling in outrage, I quickly evade his shots and let him go. Once free, Eric flies around the arena while the clans cheer for him, meanwhile, I scan my opponent for any weaknesses.

His ego is one.

"Excuse me, when your done flexing your muscles, I'll be waiting for to finish our fight." I bark out, Eric looks down on me and his face twists with determination and he reaches for his blasters out of the holsters on his thighs and starts shooting. Evading the yellow laser fire, I then run towards the wall with Eric hot on my tail, once the wall was within arms length, I run up to it and backflip over Eric while my opponent slams his face into the wall, causing the audience gathered to cringe and wince at the sight. "Oooh. You alright there pretty boy? I hope you didn't break your nose there." I taunted, Eric got up and growled out in anger before sprinting towards me while drawing out his vibroblade. Thrusting forward, I sidestepped the blade and jumped back as he tried spilling my guts open.

Baring his teeth at me like a predator, Eric twirled the vibroblade in his hand expertly before charging me once more bulldozed me into the sand beneath our feet. Eric then pressed his advantage and brought the blade down towards my face, but I halted his attack by holding his forearm in place, but Eric's strength was impressive and he had the blade about an inch away from my face. Letting out a snarl, I drove my knee into the side of Eric's right ribcage, causing him to grunt in pain, I then grab his hand and dislocate it, causing a sickening crunch to fill the air and he dropped his blade, giving me the opportunity to bash my head into his own and kick him off of me.

Once back on two feet, Eric looks at his dislocated hand before snapping the bones back in places and flexing the hand out before giving me a murderous glare. "You will regret that." He snarled out before kicking a cloud of sand into my face and successfully blinding me. Crying out in pain as the sand got into my eyes, I tried rubbing it out of my eyes, but Eric once more tackled me and started hammering me with blows across my face. "You abandoned your people to join a long dead order! You are not fit to rejoin us!!" Eric growled out as he continued punching my face in, his words caused a fire to roar inside of me, with my sight being useless thanks to the sand, I rely on the Force and let it strengthen my vision, when Eric throws another punch, I grab his fist and twist it violently, causing him to cry out in pain.

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