Chapter 9: All part of the plan

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(Normal pov— Three years ago, Mustafar)

"Its over Anakin! I have the high ground!"

"You underestimate the power of the Dark Side old man!"

"Don't try it."

The fallen Chosen One Anakin Skywalker, now newly appointed Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader sent his old Jedi master, Obi Wan Kenobi a murderous glare. The two former brothers had engaged in a ferocious duel on the volcanic world of Mustafar, for the majority of this battle, Obi Wan was on the defensive, due to the young Sith Lords strength not only as a lightsaber duelist, his strong connection to the Force, but also his young age; he was faster and stronger than the Jedi Master, causing Master Kenobi to rely on his defense if he was to survive.

Now, the Jedi Master had gained an advantage in the form of high ground, Darth Vader knew his old friend was relying on his hubris to be his undoing, so instead of attacking out of arrogance, the young Sith Lord applied the Force into a jump as he leaped towards his old Jedi master. Obi Wan tried hacking at his young enemy, but missed. Landing directly behind him, Darth Vader moved fast as lightning and impaled Obi Wan through the back with his lightsaber, causing the Jedi master to cry out in agony and tumble down the steep hill that led to the lava river. Wheezing and hacking, Obi Wan looked up at his fallen apprentice as tears streamed down his eyes.

"You were my brother Anakin. I loved y—"

Before Obi Wan could complete his words, Vader used the Force to push his former master into the lava river and a sadistic smile crept across the young Sith Lords face as he watched Obi Wan being consumed by lava. He would feel such triumph on a scale he had never felt in his life; not only did he aid in killing Mace Windu, all the Jedi in the temple on Coruscant and now having killed one of the most powerful Jedi in the known galaxy-- his former master, Obi Wan Kenobi.

At least... thats what it could've been.

Had the Sith Lords arrogance hadn't gotten the better of him in their duel, Vader would've had the potential to overthrow Sidious and rule alongside his wife Padmé as emperor and empress of the galaxy with unlimited power.

Unfortunately, these thoughts were a fantasy.

(Present day)

Currently, Darth Vader was inside his meditation sphere inside his flagship— The Executor, after having the extensive damage caused by the Mandalorian warships inflicted on his ship from the battle of Mandalore repaired, the half man half machine Sith Lord, along with Moff Tarkin were deployed to Geonosis to over see construction of the super weapon the Empire has been building for quite some time. Inside his meditation sphere, Vader had his helmet off his face and focused on his breathing, the Sith Lord dwelled on an alternative outcome of his duel with Obi Wan and his past life as Anakin Skywalker, the times he and Padmé were happy, the times they fought and the times they made love together.

Tears of anger, sorrow and eternal regret streamed down the Sith Lords deformed face, his hands clenched into fists as his breathing intensified and he let out an enraged roar as he remembered Grand Master Yoda's words when he was present to the Jedi Council so many years ago.

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

"Jedi." Vader seethed out with such hatred, he pounded his fist against the arm rest of his meditation seat and causing the metal to leave a sizable dent. The Sith Lord didn't want to admit it, but Yoda's words became bitter truth, he truly was suffering and all he had left was Palpatine, his Sith master and his... "friend." He lost everything; his mother, his wife and his unborn children. That thought alone caused Vader's rage to shoot through the roof, he was going to be a father and now that opportunity was snatched away from him by Obi Wan and crippling defeat on Mustafar.

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