Chapter 26: Infiltration

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(Normal pov)

Six hijacked Imperial shuttles dropped out of hyperspace and within the shuttles were rebel Changelings who took on the shape of Imperial officers and Stormtroopers, the disguised rebels flying the shuttle laid eyes on the Imperial Death Star orbiting the vacuum of space and was accompanied by three Star Destroyers, no doubt as an escort. The enemy battle station then made contact with the lead rebel shuttle.

::Shuttle 617, this is a restricted area::

One of the disguised rebels who took the form of an Imperial officer and replied back. "Copy that sir, boy are we glad to see you! We were prisoners from those rebel scum and managed to slip away from their grasp and commandeered a stolen Imperial shuttle. Requesting an immediate landing within the Death Star." There was about a minute long pause before the Empire requested landing codes.

::Shuttle 617, please transmit landing codes so that you and all passengers within the shuttles may dock with the battle station::

"Copy that sir, stand by." The disguised Changeling said as he then began transmitting the proper landing codes to the Death Star, one of the rebel pilots looked back to see a full squad of Mandalorian commandos, the lead shuttle carried both Theron and Lira, the original plan was for the Changelings to board first, lower the deflector shields and then send in the Mandalorian commandos, but Horus instead had Theron and Lira take the commandos and join the Changelings, and luckily for the elite Mando warriors, they all were equipped with cloaking tech that made them invisible; no shimmering or anything else that would give them away. Soon enough, the Imperial battle station contacted the lead hijacked shuttle.

::Shuttle 617, your landing code checks out. You and your escort are clear for landing in hangar bay 6::

"Acknowledged sir. Thanks." The disguised rebel said, the other Changeling within the cockpit turned to Theron and Lira. "As soon as we land? Cloak." The head of the Mando super commandos nodded and he then put on his sleek black helmet and green visor helmet. "Everybody get ready, lets make sure we hit all the Death Star's key areas— the prison blocks so we can free any of our captured allies or those who wish to fight the Empire, the reactor core, the bridge and where they're holding the controls for tractor beams." All Mando commandos nodded in acknowledgment and placed their helmets on and steeled their nerves for the infiltration.

As soon as the rebels stolen Imperial shuttles docked with the Death Star, the Changelings disguised as Imperial personnel left the cockpit and made it to the back of the shuttle, where the Mandalorian commandos activated their cloaking tech and were completely invisible just as their Changeling allies opened the shuttles ramp doors and were greeted by Imperial Stormtroopers and officers. The disguised Imperial soldiers and officers exited their shuttles and followed the Imperial welcoming committee while the Mando commandos made their way towards their destinations without their enemies knowledge. The Changelings informed their Imperial "allies" that they were familiar with the battle station and they could report to a commanding officer to receive new orders, acknowledging the disguised rebels words, the Imperial personnel dismissed their disguised enemies and went their separate ways.

Still within the Death Star's hangar, the Changelings made it towards the upper section of the hangar where they entered a chamber that overlooked the hangar they were in and with controls, one of the rebels made their way towards the control board and chuckled lightly before turning to the other rebels. "We're in business! These controls should allow us to deactivate the Death Star's deflector shields." Nodding in acknowledgment, the head Changeling of this infiltration ordered his tech whiz to get to work while they'd guard the door.

(Within the Death Star's prison blocks)

A squad of Mando commandos successfully made their way into the Death Star's prison blocks while still cloaked, they laid eyes on the warden of the prison blocks and other Imperial officers at the computers running their prison manifests and making sure all prisoners were accounted for. The group of cloaked commandos were able to assassinate the Imperial officers and then proceeded to de-cloak themselves as they approached the prison cells and began opening them, revealing all kinds of slaves, captured rebels and sympathizers who supported the Rebel Alliance. Once all freed, the squad leader contacted Theron. "Toothless, the prison blocks are secure. We're moving on to the next prison block."

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