Chapter 17: Stripping power from the Sith

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(Normal pov)

Screams of agonizing pain could heard inside an Imperial shuttle en route to Lothal, inside that shuttle was a Jedi survivor, this survivor is a human male who's name is Dex Berzerk, the man is muscular, has tattoos going down his left eye and a ghastly scar on his right cheek that reaches up to his eye. Dex breathed in and out heavily as he then chuckled bitterly and looked up at his tormentor. "Y-You know... if a beautiful creature like you... just wanted information... all y-you had to do was ask." The beautiful creature he was referring to was the red skinned tattooed Asari Inquisitor— Third Sister, her powers with the Force allow her enter ones mind and pry the information she seeks, the process though leaves her victim in agonizing pain.

"Why should I suffer your voice when I can just pry the information I seek out of your mind." Third Sister simply said before extending her hand and once more using the Force to probe Dex's mind, causing the Jedi to cry out in agony, a sinister smile then crept across the Asari's face. "Yes... so you're the one who safeguards the Jedi's secrets now. And the location of Jedi knowledge rests on... Kashyyyk. You plan to create a school there?" The Third Sister laughed in amusement as she then retracted her hand and smirked at her foe. "I find it hard to believe that you are incapable of teaching anyone."

Dex knew what the Inquisitor was trying to rile him up; tempting him to give in to anger and to lash out, naturally he would give into such impulses, but he would not. He can and he would restrain himself from stooping to such a low level. "Well, you never know what I'm capable of beautiful. I'm full of surprises." Was his response to her earlier words, the Inquisitor scoffed at him and then drew out her lightsaber and activated it, illuminating the shuttle with blood red. "We now know where strike next once our business on Lothal is complete..." Third Sister then pointed the tip of her weapon right at Dex's throat, causing the Jedi to swallow thickly as the red skinned tattooed Asari continued. " will open the portal for us, and we shall seize the power within and offer it to the Emperor."

"I would rather die than be the cause your wicked master gains more power." Dex said firmly, Third Sister smirked at the Jedi's words and nodded. "And so you shall, in time. For now? You're useful and killing you will only hamper our mission on Lothal." The female Inquisitor then turned around to see that Darth Vader had been watching the entire confrontation in silence, Dex turned to the Sith Lords direction and then back at Third Sister. "He's not one for words is he?" The female Inquisitor glared at the Jedi and simply said. "He does not wish to waste valuable breath speaking to scum like you."

"Scum? I'm hurt. And here I thought we were begging to form a connection." Dex said in a teasing tone, causing Third Sister to snarl and prepared to lash out at the Jedi with her blood red lightsaber, however the Inquisitor's weapon was stopped in its tracks by Vader. "You will restrain yourself Third Sister, or you will suffer the dire consequences for killing this Jedi." The Sith Lord boomed out, causing Third Sister to bow her head and once Vader released his hold on her with the Force, she deactivated her lightsaber.

"Lord Vader."

The Sith Lord then laid eyes on the Trandoshan Inquisitor or Fourth Brother exit the cockpit. "The pilot says we've just now entered the Lothal system." Nodding in acknowledgment, Vader looked back to Dex and then turned to Third Sister. "Prepare yourself." The Asari bowed her head at her masters words and watched as Fourth Brother joined her. "Who knew a Jedi like him seeks to build a school for Force users and intends to teach them the ways of the Jedi." The Trandoshan Dark Sider snickered in amusement, Third Sister too snickered and turned to Dex. "The prospect is bold... but unbelievably stupid. Once we're done on Lothal? We'll travel to the Wookie home world and burn his future plans to the ground."

Dex struggled against the wrist binders, but instead the binders sent a fatal jolt of electricity to crawl up his body, causing the Jedi to cry out in pain and the two Inquisitors laughed. "Haven't you learned by now? Those binders are especially designed for Jedi. The more the struggle? The tighter they get." Third Sister said firmly, causing Dex to glare at his foes, breathing in and out slowly, the Jedi closed his eyes and murmured to himself. "I'm one with the Force and the Force is with me..."

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