Chapter 15: Blissful comfort

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A/N: So, this chapter is mainly gonna be full of smut, just a heads up. In the next chapter, Horus and the surviving Mandalorians and rebels under Bail Organa's cell will establish a base on Tython-- the ancient birthplace of the Jedi Order and its from here that the Rebel Alliance will grow and thrive. Also, about maybe two or three chapters, I'm gonna add a time jump to further quicken Luke and Leia's age so they can begin their training in the ways of the Force and there's gonna be tons of... interesting twists in the future of this story.

(Normal pov)

As the Mandalorian fleet was still in hyperspace, Horus sat in his chambers while watching the Imperial holo network and was beyond disgusted at what he was seeing. Citizens of the Empire and their... "heroes" celebrating the destruction of an entire planet and nearly its entire civilization.

::Today, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Grand Moff Tarkin, Director Krennic and many more heroes of the Empire return victorious after swiftly bringing an end to Mandalore the Rebel's rebellion and the death of Mandalore itself. The new super weapon which is being named Death Star has destroyed the rebels home planet and in the act? Brought a new era of peace for the Galactic Empire. Not only are we celebrating this great victory but today is Empire Day, celebrating the third anniversary of the galaxy's salvation, when our great Emperor Palpatine ended the Clone Wars and founded our glorious Empire—::

Shutting off the holo channel, Horus ran a hand through his auburn hair, he had tried masking his pain by drinking a bottle of black ale, he wasn't usually a drinker, but in this case? He had nearly downed half the bottle before letting out an enraged roar and hurling the bottle of alcohol into the wall; the bottle shattering open as pieces of glass and exotic drink splattered against the wall and ground. Growling in anger Horus punched the wall so hard, that a dent formed and his knuckles split open, causing blood to form, hissing in pain, the young man cradled his bloody fist and sat down on his bed with a heavy sigh.

The doors to Horus's chambers opened, revealing both Ashara and Ahsoka, the two women looked around their shared lovers chamber and frowned at the sight-- broken glass and the stench of alcohol in the air, as well as a fist sized dent in the wall and Horus himself cradling his bloodied fist. Horus turned to his two lovers and chuckled bitterly while gesturing to his chambers. "Forgive the mess, but as you can clearly see, I'm..." Horus tried explaining but instead, he began to weep bitterly, both Ashara and Ahsoka approached their lover sat next to him and hugged him while cooing loving and reassuring words into his ears.

"Shhh, whats done is done Horus. Don't beat yourself up over this." Ashara said as she kissed Horus's hair while raking her fingers through his hair gently. Ahsoka hummed in agreement with Ashara's words. "You did all you could. Millions of your people are alive because your efforts as well as the sacrifices of those who fell defending Mandalore." Horus's eyes suddenly burned a fiery yellow causing both women to gasp in horror as Horus removed themselves from their arms and seethed out. "Sidious and the Empire will pay for this attack in blood!" Once more letting out an enraged cry, Horus punched the wall of his chambers once more, causing both Ashara and Ahsoka to stand up and approach their lover.

"Horus! I understand your anger but don't give in to them! It'll lead you to the Dark Side and then you'll be no better than Sidious." Ahsoka stated, that reality check caused Horus's fiery yellow eyes to fade and his gorgeous green eyes returned. "Y-You're right." The young man shuddered out before placing a hand over his rapidly beating heart and took deep and calming breaths. "I-I've wrestled with my inner dragon in the past and it nearly consumed me. Forgive me... that isn't something I wanted you two to see." Both his lovers were about to speak before the intercoms went off.

::Mandalore, your presence is needed on the bridge::

Horus sighed heavily as he dismissed himself and made his way to the bridge, both Ashara and Ahsoka shared a worried look. "I'm really worried about him. We've spent almost three weeks covering our tracks from the Empire and since then? He's locked himself in his chambers to drink away his pain, only ever coming out to eat, shower and further hone his skills as warrior king of our people." The blond haired Mandalorian general stated, Ahsoka too let out a sigh and shook her head. "He's not the only one. Many of the Mandalorian people are drowning in grief, only blowing off much needed steam, anger and hatred out during their training." Both women then left their lovers chambers as they too made their way to the bridge.

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