Chapter 21: Escaping Coruscant

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(Normal pov)

Within the depths of the Imperial Citadel on Coruscant, Ahsoka Tano, alongside Maul and Cori finally managed to reach Level 7 of the citadel which was meant to hold the deadliest beings in the galaxy and beings Sidious deemed as threats to his rule as emperor of the galaxy. Once entering the room, the four ensured that nobody was guarding their leader, with the cost clear, they closed the door behind them and laid eyes on Horus Haddock who was encased in carbonite. The sight of her lover in this state saddened Ahsoka, but that sadness was eclipsed by the relief and joy knowing that she would be able to touch, hold and kiss Horus once again. After Darth Sidious's horrifying message nineteen years ago? The Rebel Alliance has been the Empire's top priority, the rebellion had suffered very grievous defeats and loses, but so did the Empire. Now it seems that fate favors the rebellion, once Horus is freed? The Empire and Sith will tremble once Mandalore the Rebel is back in action.

Maul and Cori, both wore sleek black and golden Kage warrior armor pulled out their lightsabers and turned to Ahsoka. "Free him, we'll watch your back." The Glee Anselm said, Ahsoka nodded at her ally and approached her encased lover, proceeding to thaw out Horus's body, the Togruta could see that Horus had two new lightsabers clipped to hi belt and she could feel each blade was a living embodiment of the Light and Dark Side of the Force and... she could feel the power radiating off of Horus, he was far stronger than he was years prior.

Finally thawed out, Horus fell, but Ahsoka caught her human lover and cooed. "I've got you, you're safe now Horus." Blinking his eyes rapidly, Horus looked into Ahsoka's azure eyes and cocked his head slightly before a smile formed. "A-Ahsoka." Said woman let out a light chuckle and nodded. "Hello my love, I've missed you so much." She said, Horus grasped one of her delicate hands and kissed her knuckles, the Force Sentinel noticed that his Togrutan lover wore clothing that was similar to what she wore during the Siege of Mandalore, and that her lekku were much longer and they stopped right at her curvy hips.

All of the sudden, the doors to Horus's massive cell opened and six Stormtroopers rushed inside, but they were cut down within seconds thanks to Maul and Cori, turning around the Zabrak barked out. "Let's go! More Stormtroopers will be arriving to slow us down." Nodding, Ahsoka helped Horus stand up. "Can you walk?" She asked him, Horus took deep breaths and took slow steps before nodding at his lover. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ahsoka nodded and she led Horus towards the exit of his cell. As the four Force wielders ran through the halls of the citadel, Horus spoke up. "No alarms have been sounded." Turning her head, Cori replied back. "Not yet. We have R2-D2 on stand by to generate false alerts in other sectors of the citadel in case they pick up our scent."

The four then stopped right in front of a massive blast door that would lead to the lower levels of the citadel, as Maul and Cori got to work on getting it open with the Force, Ahsoka's wrist comm began chiming, she then answered. "Yes, I read you."

::An updated timetable might be good here::

"Why? Is there problem?"

::No. No problem. But we are staring to feel a little exposed out here. You find our leader yet?::

"Yes. I'm patching him to you right now. Stand by." Ahsoka said as she transferred her caller to Horus's wrist communication, the Force Sentinel nodded at his lover and answered the call. "This is Horus Haddock."

::Great. Name's Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon. Welcome to the most suicidal rescue in galactic history, hope you're everything the rebellion said you were::

"Be patient Han, we're on our way." Ahsoka said as she ended the call and turned back to Horus. "Han will fly us out, just as soon as we're through that door." Turning back to Maul and Cori, the two red skinned tattooed Dark Siders opened the blast door, turning towards Ahsoka and Horus, Maul gestured to the opening. "After you two." Nodding in acknowledgment, Ahsoka and the Force Sentinel ran through the blast door with Maul and Cori right behind them until the four finally reached an elevator and descended down.

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