His First Day

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[kíng'ѕ pσv]
"Harlequin wake up! You have school today!" I heard my sister say as she shook me around to wake me up. I sat up, yawned, and rubbed my eyes. "can't I just stay home.?" I asked a little annoyed. I was always bullied back at my old school. What makes this one any different? "No brother, trust me. This is a good school! There will be nicer kids!" she said smiling. She doesn't know what it's like though. She was never bullied like I was.

The torment and bruises were annoying. I hated it. At some point I gave up and let those kids hurt me. "are you sure Elaine?" I asked my little sister. "yes-" she set some clothes on my lap. "get changed then come and eat okay?" I nodded. She walked out of my room giving me a reassuring smile. I changed into my uniform for my new school Liones High. To be honest I'd rather be homeschooled on a computer or something but my little sister doesn't want me to. Once I fixed up my uniform I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and went back to my room. I looked around for my green back pack. It had darker green shapes on it and it was pretty cool! I named it Chastiefol but that's another reason why I was bullied.

I put the straps over my shoulders so my bag stayed on my back. I walked downstairs and saw a plate of waffles awaiting me! Elaine makes the best waffles! She puts blueberries and raspberries in them which makes them way better! I sat down at the table and Elaine came over with her plate and sat down to eat. "thanks sis!" I said then began to eat. "you're welcome brother!" she smiled and ate with me.

Once we were done we had to leave for school. Elaine goes the opposite way from me. I usually walk her to school but now I can't. We left our house and my sister hugged me "Good luck! And just be yourself! Okay?" I hugged back "alright, same goes for you too!" I said. A moment later we let go of our embrace. We were about to head our separate ways for school but I poked her nose "I love you sis, so be careful getting to school okay?" I said. Elaine nodded "love you too brother! Bye!" she waved and started walking to school. I smiled and did the same.

On my way I saw some other kids but I just walked past them and ignored them. I accidentally bumped into a tall guy and he stopped to look down at me on the ground. His hair was a light gray and flowed like fire. His eyes were like a Fox's, Red. His uniform shirt was crooked. He had a scar that went from his lower cheek and down to his neck. He looked like the type of person that would be in a gang.

I looked up at him mainly in fear of what he could do to me. But I misjudged him because he smiled. "Hey bud! Watch were you're going next time!" he put his hand out to help me up. So, I took it and he helped me up. "are you okay dude?" he asked me as I brushed the dirt off of my new uniform. I nodded and looked up at him. He was really tall! I know I'm short but wow! "I'm Ban. I was waiting here for a friend. I know most people at school but I never seen ya around. Are you new?" he asked. He talks a lot. But he seems more of a calm guy now. "yeah" I said answering his question. "cool! So are you gonna tell me your name..?" he asked "oh! I'm uh.. Harlequin but people who know me call me King!" I said putting my hand out to shake his. He smiled and looked down at my hand. He frowned and pointed to a bruise "what happened there?" he asked. "oh uh.... A um...fight" I answered. He shook my hand carefully then stood his hands in his pant pockets.

"did you win?" he asked. I hesitated but I shook my head "it was me against like fifteen people back at my old school.. " I said "oh wow! I'm surprised there are no marks on your face!" he said amazed. "yeah, I hated that school.-" I said then heard another kid bud in. "Well Well Well, if it isn't Ban!" a short blonde with big amber eyes said to him. He looked and me "what's with the kid?" he asked "I'm no-" I said to protest against him but he smiled "just kidding! I'm Meliodas!" he waved his hand at me and Ban and him started walking towards school so I just tagged along.

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