Good To The Unfortunate

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[Diane's POV]

I woke up to my alarm and sat up turning the annoying thing off. I yawned as I stretched for a moment. I got up from my bed starting my usual routine. I went into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Once I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my hair brush looking at myself in the mirror. I took out my messy pigtails and started brushing out my hair. I brushed it out until it straightened and watched the friz go away.

I put my brush down and put my hair back up it it's usual pigtails! I smiled at myself and skipped out of the bathroom to my room. Once I changed into my uniform I straightened out my skirt so there wouldn't be and wrinkles in the fabric. I put my shoes on then grabbed my phone and my backpack and went downstairs. I made myself a bowl of cereal and quickly ate so I can make my way to school!

As I began walking I took out my phone and began texting Elizabeth.

'Hey! Are you at the street sign??'

El:'Yeah! Are you on your way?'

'yes! I'll be there in a minute!'

El: 'okay'

Once I finished with texting I ran to our meeting spot, by the street sign of friendship street! Elizabeth was standing right there and laughed as I approached her and stopped, panting. "You didn't have to run!" She giggled and I stood up straight, laughing with her as we started across the street together. "But I wanted to!" I smiled.

"What did you need king for last night?" I asked curiously and she looked over at me. "What do you mean?" She asked me. "Meliodas said you were taking him somewhere for something. What did you guys do??" I asked once more in a different manner. "Oh! I took him to my house to meet my sisters! I told him about them and how Margaret loved planting! It turns out he's a big flower freak!" She said with a bright smile which made me smile. "Oh really?" I asked and she nodded. "He named every flower planted by my front porch without hesitation!" She said in excitement. Elizabeth seemed very happy today. I wonder why.

I made and 'o' face in amazement. "Wow!! I didn't know he was so soft!" I said making her giggle. "Hey! He is strong! He surprised you once he could surprise you again!" She said like she was trying to hint something out. "Huh? What are you hinting at?" I asked as we approached the school. "Nothing! I'm just saying you shouldn't think of him as too soft after he just defended himself yesterday!" She said and I nodded in agreement. "Makes sense!" I said seeing Meliodas and Ban standing by the gates.

We approached them and I gave them a confused look. "Where's king?" I questioned getting more confused once they smiled!? "He's fine! He said he had to go to class early to talk to your homeroom teacher! " Ban said making me nod. "Come on let's go inside-" Elizabeth insisted as we began walking towards the building. We walked in the school and we said goodbye to Ban and Meliodas as they walked off to their own classes. I went to my locker as Elizabeth followed. "Don't you have class?" I asked curiosly as I started doing the combination on my lock.

"Yeah but I wanted to walk you to your locker!" Elizabeth said making me smile. The lock popped, unlocking as I opened my locker. A pink envelope was sitting in my locker? I took out the envelope and put my bookbag down, placing it on the ground by both me and Elizabeth. "What's that?" Elizabeth asked and I shrugged turning the envelope to see heart stickers lined with the brim of the opening of the envelope, with little heart stickers??? "Aw!! Diane! Someone likes you!!!" Elizabeth said in excitement pointing to the heart stickers. W-WHAT?! THAT'S- WHAT?! NO! IT'S PROBABLY FROM THAT BASTARD HOWZER!! wait..he doesn't know where my locker is..we have different morning classes. So if it isn't Howzer who could it be?

"Open it!! Open it!!" Elizabeth said and I opened it trying to think. Who could possibly like me? She I opened it I took out a piece of paper that was decorated with glitter and more of those little heart stickers!! There was writing on the decorated paper so I began to read the letter.

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