Finding Him

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[Meliodas' POV]

We tried contacting him all day! Diane said he hadn't shown up for any of his classes since lunch ended and it was stressing me out. Where could he have ran? I had to cancel the football practice today and Diane cancelled her meeting with the cheerleaders. As soon as school ended I found everyone and began to run to my house. "He probably ran back to my house! We have to hurry!!" I yelled hoping he was okay. I could tell how worried everyone was how worried Diane was...I don't understand why he ran, the note he wrote....that last sentence...did it mean something.? 'can you ever forgive me for making you so nervous?', was the last sentence of that letter!! SHIT!! DID HE DO SOMETHING STUPID?!

I began to run faster and everyone else running behind me until we made it to my door. I slammed the door open and saw Zel sitting on the couch and Estarossa peeking out from the kitchen startled and confused. "Is king here?!" Diane asked. Zel gave me a confused look and shook his head. "FUCK!!" Ban yelled and went back outside. I shut the door going back outside, pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. Diane sat on the concrete stairs,her face reddening until she started crying. "W-Where is he..?" She asked between her small cries. Elizabeth sat by her and hugged her, not saying anything.

Ban was thinking, I could just tell, he was mumbling things and looking around trying to concentrate. I continued to pace back and forth, where could he have gone? If he's not here...and not at school..he won't answer his phone.."Guys!!!" Ban yelled! "What about his house?! If he's not here let's check his house!!" He said and Diane stood up followed by Elizabeth. "Let's go then!!" I yelled and threw my bookbag on my porch. Everyone else did the same and we started running in the direction of King's house! I swear if he's not there I'm gonna loose it.

[Ban's POV]

King's house is a fifteen minute walk!! But since we're running we should be five minutes! Elizabeth was so worried that I could see her biting her lip as she ran. Cap'n just wanted to find him, that's all that matters.. Right? Diane was mid-crying as she was running, she looked more scared then anything and I couldn't help but worry about him either.

"Diane calm down we'll find him okay?" I said between breaths but she didn't say anything. She just looked at me with fear like she was thinking something bad could have happened to him. It started to scare me too!! I looked away and continued to run up by Cap'n.

[Diane's POV]

I felt so stupid! Something must've happened to him!! He's not answering his phone! He wasn't at school since lunch!! A..And he wasn't at Meliodas' house!!! I couldn't stop thinking about it and it just made me want to cry more. I feel like it's my fault..I should've just told him!!! I SHOULD'VE!! WHY DID I GO AND SAY SOMETHING?! I KNOW HE'S TOO SHY!! WHY'D I TRY AND HAVE HIM SAY IT FIRST?! I started to cry more as I ran, wiping my face, taking breaths..Elizabeth kept looking back at me with worry and Ban did too..Meliodas just kept running, he just wanted to find him and so did I!

We finally made it to king's house! And I ran up to the door before anyone else could! It was unlocked?! I opened it and ran inside! "HARLEQUIN WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled up the stairs thinking he might be in his room. "King!?" Meliodas yelled and started walking up the stairs with Ban. "King!? C'mon! Your worrying us!!" Ban yelled

I decided to look in the living room with Elizabeth. Elizabeth was looking at the floor biting her lip.."where is he?!" She questioned as I glanced around. I looked in the kitchen from where I was standing seeing a leg of someone laying on the floor?! "H-Harlequin?!" I ran out of the room and into the kitchen. I screamed at what I saw with fear and sadness. Elizabeth ran out and her eyes widened with fear. "O-Oh my gosh!" She covered her mouth.

I saw his pale figure laying in a pool of blood, his arms with fresh new cuts and a knife laying besides him, covered in blood! I ran over to him screaming and crying shaking him trying to wake him up! He won't wake up!!! "HARLEQUIN!!!" I screamed as I shook him. Meliodas and Ban ran down the stairs and in a rush to get to the kitchen where they both stopped and stared with shocked faces. Elizabeth was silently crying standing there with fear. Ban kneeled down and put two of his fingers right between King's jaw and neck..what is he- "HE'S BREATHING!!! ITS SLOW BUT HE'S BREATHING!!" Ban bursted out yelling and Meliodas pulled out his phone calling someone.

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