An Unexpected Event

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[Meliodas' POV]

Mr.D was telling us about the unit we are gonna start next week. He was basically giving us a brief summary of the whole thing so I was taking notes...for King since he usually took notes when the teacher explains a unit. I just felt bad for him, and I understand what he's going through. If I lost one of my siblings I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself.."-And that's pretty much it about this new unit on the revolutionary ear- what time is it?" Mr.D said and looked back at the clock, raising a brow. He looked back at the class with a smile, "looks like you have a half hour to yourselves!" He exclaimed before going to his desk and sitting in his chair.

The class began to talk and do whatever- but I looked back at Diane and Ban and we were all silent. I'm pretty sure king had fallen asleep. "You think he's okay?" Diane finally asked breaking the group's silence. "I'm not sure.. it's only been a day since he lost his sister." Ban said lowly but giving a good point. I nodded agreeing with him. I looked up at Diane but she wouldn't bother to look at me. She was frowning. And seemed sad. I sighed feeling guilt for her sadness. Does she know? I looked at Ban and he nodded, "she knows-" he mouthed to me, my eyes widened. How?! "Who-" Ban cut me off, "I did- it's better than not telling!" He said leaning forward from his seat giving me a look.

"W-What are you guys talking about?" Diane asked looking over in our direction. "Nothing- don't worry Diane just focus on him-" Ban pointed at King. "Okay.." she mumbled and looked into another direction,away from us. Now I feel really bad but like- she'll get over it soon.

I turned back in my seat and took the page of notes out of my binder. I labeled everything the way king would- I titled the unit, I wrote the date, and listed everything about the unit in bullet points, and in black pen! Just as he does it! So I finally closed my binder, setting the paper on the table. I turned to King and carefully opened the green backpack on his back and took out his dark blue binder. I opened his surprisingly neat binder! Everything was organized and labeled! I turned to the history section in his binder, opening to the nearest blank page before opening the metal rings that kept the pages together. I stuck the notes I took for him in with his notes before I closed the rings and his binder. I carefully put the dark blue binder back in his bookbag and zipped it back up, not wanting to wake him up until the bell rings.

Ban tapped my shoulder and I turned to face him "hm?" I asked and he pointed to the door where Elizabeth was standing?? She was right outside of the classroom! I got up and went to the door about to head out before I called back to Mr.D "Mr.D I gotta get something from my locker, I'll be right back!" I said and he gave me a nod before I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me to see Elizabeth.

[Elizabeth's POV]

"Something wrong?" Meliodas asked as soon as he came out of his class to speak with me. "No! Not at all! I just wanted to see if you found King!" I said hoping they did. He nodded "but we didn't find him- he just came in the room looking like shit and very pissed off!" Meliodas stated with a look of worry. I frowned glancing back into his classroom seeing king with his head down. I also saw Diane looking down into her hands, probably on her phone but I couldn't tell because some other kid's head was in the way! "Okay, but can you tell Diane to come out for a minute?" I asked looking back at Meliodas.

He nodded, "okay!" He even smiled, so I smiled back and kissed his cheek."thanks-" I thanked him and he turned going back into the room. I stood by the door waiting for her to come out. I watched through the little window of the classroom door as he walked over to Diane and tapped her shoulder. I saw them talking but she didn't look up at him. After a moment she nodded and got up from her seat and walked to the door, she saw me through the glass and I gave her a smile! She opened the door and came out of the room as Meliodas sat back in his seat and began talking with Ban.

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