Their Nap

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[Elizabeth's POV]

I can't believe what just happened..he seemed so happy a minute ago!! What happened?! The doctor had us leave at least fifteen minutes ago..Diane had calmed her crying but was still very upset. She hugged King's Fuzzy bear very tightly, the look of worry written all over her face. Meliodas had been pacing the whole time! He looked very lost in thought and looked stressed about it...Ban had his face in his hands the whole time too. I was about to ask him if he was okay but he sat up letting out a heavy sigh.

Ban opened his mouth about to say something until the door to King's room opened. The nurse came out of the room with some papers, shutting the door behind her and walking over to us. "Is he okay now??" Diane asked as soon as she saw the nurse. The nurse nodded and Meliodas immediately stopped pacing. We all have a sigh of relief. "He's okay he's just asleep, the doctor said for me to show you guys these." She said handing Meliodas the small amount of papers. We all got up from where we were sitting, crowding Meliodas to see the top paper. It looked like notes or a document.

Doc. On Harlequin Andrews
(January, 22, 2020)
9:24 am

Harlequin has been checked in here at Britannia City Hospital since 5:06 pm on January 21st. His arms have deep cuts from a kitchen knife,five inch blade. His cuts were treated with ointments of good purpose. His torso has burns and blisters from his neck to his abdomen. It is believed that some sort of acid has been in touch with his skin but we weren't informed on what type had effected him.

His most recent incident was a Grand Mal Seizure,of which causes stiffness,severe shaking, and muscle contractions. The seizure had lasted for almost two minutes. We had X-rayed to check his brain to find some sort of cause of his incident. The X-rays show his amygdala. The amygdala is a roughly almond-shaped mass of grey matter right under his brain, which is involved with his emotions. It's increasing size showed how much stress and anxiety he has. Also, based off of the type of seizure and his current physical and mental state he has severe anxiety.

I read the document with the others, with no words. "Under that is the picture of his brain-" the nurse pointed out. Meliodas then took the paper from the bottom, sticking it right on top of the document. It was an x-rayed picture of King's brain. "The doctor said his stress is effecting his emotional state...which is causing the amount of anxiety. He needs you guys for reassurance. We know about his parents and I've recently heard about his younger sister, so I hope you guys do your best to help him feel better" she said and we all nodded.. I hope so too..

"C-Can I go in and just stay with him?" Diane asked. "As soon as the doctor gets out you can." The nurse said giving Diane a smile. She nodded, she was still hugging King's bear. Now that I think about it...the way they got together wasn't so..happy...but I want it to be happy!! I gasped at something and everyone suddenly looked at me. "What's wrong??" Meliodas asked as everyone else gave me concerning looks. "I'll tell you in a bi-" I was about to say until the doctor came out of King's room. Diane jumped up and smiled,she ran right in the room. The nurse quickly sped up to walk with the doctor after she took the papers from Meliodas. Before Meliodas and Ban could follow Diane in the room I grabbed their arms, "nevermind, I'll tell you now!" I smiled.

Ban shut King's door because I gestured for him to. "What is it?" Meliodas questioned curiously. "Yeah, the hell got you so worked up?" Ban asked making me giggle. "Okay, I've just thought of this but, while king spends his time in the hospital, from now on we'll set up a date for them both. They need something happy in their relashonship! Don't they?" I asked and Meliodas nodded. "Makes sense but what are we gonna do?" He asked. "You know how king wrote Diane letters?-" I asked and they nodded looking confused, staying quiet so they can hear for what I had to say. "We can make a false note, about a date, we'll put the date and time and place and make a copy so one can go in King's locker and one can go in Diane's!!" I said excitedly seeing Meliodas grin and Ban smirk.

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