Ready to See him

335 17 1

[Diane's POV]

After we got off the phone with king I handed Meliodas his phone. I was holding King's teddy bear...his name is Fuzzy. Meliodas told us to stay at his house for the night. It was at least eleven o'clock. I was not tired! I'm so excited to go see Harlequin tomorrow!! I squealed and hopped around the room after talking with him! "He's okay!!!!!" I cheered making everyone cheer and laugh with me. "Hey we should go and sleep" Meliodas said heading upstairs with Elizabeth as Ban plopped himself on the couch. "Alriiight dude, imma sleep on the couch-" Ban said as Elizabeth gave me a smile walking up the stairs with Meliodas.

I was about to go upstairs when I heard Ban, "hay, Diane can you turn off the lamp? I don't feel like getting up-" he asked tiredly and lazily. Wow...I sighed and walked over to the lamp switching it off. "Thanks, don't go dreaming about King and wetting yourself, we don't have an extra pair of panties here for ya!~" he then said teasingly laying back on the couch probably smirking!! That assface!! I felt the heat in my face go crazy! "S-Shut up! Idiot!!" I punched him in the arm, "ow!" He mumbled rubbing his arm. "Don't get your panties in a wad I'm just kidding, go to sleep" he said and I whined going up the stairs.

I hugged Fuzzy as I walked into King's room. He won't mind that I slept here again right? The thought made me blush as I walked in the room. I crawled into his bed and laid down covering myself with his blankets. I snuggled into his pillow and Fuzzy. What Ban told me...made me start thinking of Harlequin more. Like how he ran around shirtless~ and the sweat the beaded from his body made him look so hot~ I blushed so much at my weird thoughts of him. I shook it off and closed my eyes.

I woke up and immediately sat up. I looked around hugging Fuzzy, realizing it was still dark outside..I grabbed my phone, turning it on. "Ah!" The light of the screen hurt my eyes for the moment I saw the light. I turned the brightness down to look at the screen to see that the time was '6:12am' I sighed knowing I was never going to go back to sleep. And so, I jumped out of Harlequin's bed and set Fuzzy down. I did my business, brushed out my hair, and put it up in the usual pigtails. I then walked out and went downstairs. I planned on setting everything up so by the time everyone got up we can see Harlequin!! I can pack snacks, games and anything we could need!

But when I got downstairs Ban wasn't on the couch anymore!! I looked over and saw the kitchen light on, then smelled the fimiliar smell of well cooked eggs sausage and bacon! Yummy! I went into the kitchen and saw Ban cooking. He turned and seemed startled. "Oh shit! When did you get up?!" He asked and I laughed. "Just a bit ago, when did you get up?" I asked and he seemed to have calmed himself, bringing a bowl over to the counter and placing it down. "Mm- same as you. I'm cooking for you guys right now so by the time the other guys get up we can just eat and go" Ban said with a smile. I smiled too. "I had a similar idea, I was gonna pack things up for the visit, you know?" I said and he nodded. "Good idea, you should start that, when your done I'll make you up a plate so you can eat something alright?" He asked. "Sure, all I gotta pack is snacks and a game or two, some water bottles, and room for the stored food you promised for king!" I said looking at him hoping he remembered about that.

Ban smirked, "oh that? That's already done! Hehe! I did his first!" He said with that proud smirk of his. I giggled and went off to start packing. I found one of Meliodas'old backpacks in a closet. I set that on the table in the dinning room and grabbed a six pack of water bottles that I put in the backpack. I walked over to the pantry and saw chips,cookies,candies,small caked products and more! I grabbed some of those mini bags of chips, a pack of cookies and a handful of candies! I put them all in the backpack! I put the candies in the small pouch in the front and zipped it up! By the time I packed the snacks and waters I found a game, a card game. I read the box 'cards against humanity' I quietly cheered! I love this game!! I put the box in the bag with the snacks making it organized enough to put the food in for Harlequin.

Once I finished packing Ban came out with two plates setting them on the table, "ya hungry?" He asked with a grin. I sat down by my plate of food with a laugh, "of course I am." I said "thanks Ban" I thanked and he sat at the table. We started to eat in silence... probably in thought of what could happen when we get there. I wondered if Harlequin had gotten any good sleep last night. After we ate we pretty much got Elizabeth and Meliodas up. We got them to eat. We were in such a rush to go!! It's only 7:20!!! After they ate me and Ban rushed them to get ready! By the time they were ready Ban had put the food he made for King in the backpack I had packed! The food was stored in a sealed plastic container. I ran upstairs and grabbed Fuzzy from King's bed. I thought he might want him so I grabbed him..I then ran back downstairs.

Ban was holding the backpack, as him and the others are by the door "Cap'n you got his phone?" Ban asked Meliodas who took King's phone from his pocket to show us. "Yep!" He said putting it back in his pocket. "Hey are we gonna get there?" Elizabeth asked and we all looked at each other knowing we all forgot about that...shit! Meliodas grabbed Estarossa's car keys from the key hanger by the door. "I'll drive us there-" he said with a grin. "Do you even know how to drive?" I asked and he nodded. "Took the test last year remember?" He asked about to open the door. Elizabeth grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "you failed, I didn't I'm driving!" She said then let go of him. "Oh! Burn!!" Ban laughed and so did I.

We left the house and got in the car. "Buckle up! " Elizabeth said as she did so with herself. We all buckled up and she drove off. We joked about how Meliodas would have crashed the car if her were driving. When we made it to the hospital we parked and went right inside!! I ran up to the desk where a man was sitting by a computer. "Hey, excuse me. Can you tell me what room Harlequin Andrews is in and tell me how to get there?" I asked the man who began to type on his computer. "Harlequin is on the second floor room 17, take the elevator that's right behind this office area, hit two. Once you've made it to the floor walk down the hall until you find 17" he simply said. "Thank you!!" I quickly thanked as I ran to the elevator in excitement!! I can't wait!! "Hey Diane wait up!!" Elizabeth called as I opened the elevator. I got in holding it open for them. When they got in I hit the number two on the keypad and waited for us to hit that floor!!! I began to get impatient gripping onto Fuzzy as the elevator moved.

I was so ready to see him! So ready to hug him!! So ready to kiss him!!! The thought made me blush. I hope he's doing okay...and I hope he had a good night here at the hospital...I couldn't wait to spend the day with him! Skipping school for him? Yep! I'd do that any day! I missed him a lot...and I really wanted to tell tell him that I like him a lot I don't like him...I love him!! He needs it! He needs and deserves every drop of love that I have in store for him!

[King's POV]

I haven't slept much...I just couldn''s so uncomfortable being in a place where people are probably dying...I wasn't use to the environment either. I hate it here...I still wish I didn't end up here...I still wish I was gone...I looked around knowing the nurse wasn't in here yet. I sat up and looked down miserably at my arms...the IV was still hooked up to me..the nurse said I lost sixty percent of my blood at the since I've only been in here for about sixteen hours there's no way all that blood isn't replaced. How come I'm still alive?! I should be dead! I know that it takes a full 48 hours for blood to be fully if I took the intravenous tubes out of my arms...I could still loose my life...

My vision is still a little oozy and my body is still unexceptionably weak..if I took out the intravenous tubes out now I will die after minutes if I take the bandages off. Since I've lost more than one-fifth the severe fluid loss in my body will make it impossible for my heart to pump enough blood for my organs to survive....I stared down at my arms...weak and..tired..I had the sudden urge to just...pull the cords..the tubes in my arms. I pulled my hand up to grab the cord but realized I was shaking..."D-Do it. " I said to myself but I seemed to have miscalculated something because my hand just dropped, I laid back and my body seemed to have given up on me...well.. physically anyway.. "my body is too weak...I-I've miscalculated my muscle s-stamina that's all..." I said to myself "maybe I-I could just jump off a b-building when I can walk again.." I continued to speak with myself glancing up at the ceiling of this boring hospital room. It's so dull in here...."HARLEQUIN!!!" Diane shouted with so much excitement, as the door to my room flung open. Her shout scared me and I jumped and winced in pain. She ran in and over to me..she grabbed my face and k-kissed me?!

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