The Beginning Of Elizabeth's Idea

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[Elizabeth's POV]

I walked home and made it home by 4:30pm! I saw my sisters and father talking in the kitchen. I put my backpack down by the table. "hey sis!" Veronica smiled and ran over to me. "How was school?" My dad asked once I said hi to my older sister. "It was okay-" I admitted and Margaret, my eldest sister came over with a concerned look. I'm the youngest in my family. "Did something happen?" She asked and I nodded. "My friend got into a fight but he wasn't taken care of, he has a nice bruise on his face. He also recently lost his sister and I feel so bad for him." My father sighed in relief, "so you're okay? Correct?" He asked and I smiled and nodded.

"Phew- well I have some work to do, I love you girls, I'll make dinner soon Kay?" He said and we all agreed. Once father walked off Veronica pointed to the stairs. "C'mon let's go talk in Margaret's room!" She exclaimed Margaret looked confused as we went to the stairs. "Why my room!?" She questioned and I giggled. "Because it's the cleanest!" Veronica laughed and we went up to Margaret's room.

Margaret sighed and sat in her beanbag chair. I sat on her bed and Veronica sat cross cross on the floor on the circular carpet she had. "Soooo- what are we gonna talk about? Because I know Ellie wants to say something!" Veronica said making me and Margaret giggle and laugh. "Okay she's right, I do have something to say-" I said and they both smiled and stayed quiet, listening and waiting for what I had to say.

"I need help organizing something! I have a friend named Harlequin but we call him King-" I said but Veronica interrupted. "I thought we met all of your friends!" She pouted and Margaret looked at me confused. "He is new to the school, I haven't had the chance to introduce you guys is all-" I quickly explained and they soon understood.

"But you know Diane right?" I asked and Veronica nodded, "yep!" Margaret said. "Wellll! Harlequin really likes her and I wanna help him confess to her!" I smiled and so did my sisters! "Okay before I comment on that-" Margaret started "you really are so thoughtful!" She smiled, "yeah!" Veronica agreed and I smiled too! "Aw thanks! But I really wanna started thinking of things!"

"Well I do know a lot about Diane-" Veronica said. "She likes movie's-" she started "romantic movies, she's into romance-" Margaret corrected her making me giggle. "Yeah she likes that stuff- oh!! And she does read sometimes when she's bored!" I said making them nod. They both looked like they were trying to think of something. "What the heck does new boy like?" Veronica asked tilting her head.

"He plays flute-" Margaret cut me off "I thought every flutist at your school sucked! If he plays flute I'm not helping-" she crossed her arms! It's because she came to one of the bands performances at the last football game last year and she DID NOT like it! "Yeah!" Veronica said puckering her lips crossing her arms as well. "He's actually really good at it! Diane heard him play before and she says he's really good!" I said and both my sisters seemed to have calmed down on that.

"Oh really?~ she sounds interested~" Margaret teased and I laughed "okay okay but what else does new boy do or like?" Veronica budded in and I had to think on it for a second. "He told me he use to write a lot, like about his feelings, he said he stopped in middle school- BUT he is an all A's student! And is very smart he just doesn't see any potential in himself" I said and Margaret sat up in her beanbag chair. "So he's smart, does writing stuff, plays flute, is an all A's student, and is low on self esteem?" She questioned "precisely!" I nodded.

"So he's a shy guy!" Veronica stated and we all agreed. "Well, I have an idea but don't know how to go out with it." I said still trying to process my idea. I wanted to have King write little notes to her, but how would he give it to her? He's too shy to hand it to her! "What's your idea?" Veronica curiously asked. "My idea involved King writing her notes about how he feels about her but I don't know how he'll get it to her- he's too shy to give it to her himself, and he'll doubt himself on everything!" I said and Margaret leaned back in her beanbag chair with a smug smile.

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