A Clumsy Session In Estarossa's Car

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[Diane's POV]

Meliodas, Estarossa,and Zeldris came to pick me and King up from the hospital two hours ago!! Estarossa is still filling out paperwork and Harlequin is literally so tired! I tried getting him to sleep last night but he just didn't. He was so uncomfortable in his room at night. I decided to stay up with him because I didn't want him to feel alone. Before Harlequin woke up this morning Meliodas texted me about the dinner thing and I'm playing along with the whole idea! My job is to stall so everyone can make last minute fixes! Then I bring him in!! He fell asleep around two in the morning and now he's leaning on my shoulder half asleep! Meliodas walked out of the room we were waiting in front of, both me and Harlequin were sitting on chairs in the hallway. "Hey-" I cut him off. I was already impatient and I felt bad because I don't want Harlequin to sleep in a chair. "What's taking so long?" I asked a little angered by how long we were waiting.

"Sorry, they're making Estarossa do so much more paperwork because there's no legal guardian for King.." he said with a frown. We both looked at the mess of a boy. Harlequin's hair was all scuffled and messy. He was still slightly pale and had faint eye bags under his eyes. "I wha?.?" He asked sitting up tiredly. His eyes were half open and he looked out of it. Meliodas sighed. "Look-" he said looking back at me "I was texting Elizabeth and she told me to tell you not to worry about everything and to stay calm, she also told me to tell you to keep king awake. She said he'd be fine after he got back on his schedule" he said and I nodded. "Yeah..I remember Elaine saying something about him having a schedule.." I said and he nodded.

"We're trying to get out of here ya know? So be patient" he said before walking back into the office where his brothers were. I sighed and looked at Harlequin. I put a hand on one of his shoulders and shook him a bit. "Harlequin wake up, c'mon you gotta stay awake!" I said to him. He popped back into reality but still looked tired. "Huh? W..Why?" He asked between a yawn. I grabbed his hand and stood up. I had him stand with me and I started to walk with him. "Because we're gonna leave soon! And you have to stay awake!!" I said cheerfully, knowing everything will be better for him from now on! "Really? When we get back can I sleep?." He yawned again. "Sure but we have to eat and put you back on schedule" I said and he nodded, rubbing one of his tired honey eyes with his left hand as I held his right. I turned the hall, planning to just circle the office area with king to keep him awake.

"You know.." I started and he looked up at me. He seemed more awake now that I had him walking around with me. "You have such a unique eye color" I told him. He smiled a bit then laughed slightly. "What do you mean? Your the one with bright violet eyes! Brown eyes aren't unique!" He said, he's definitely more awake now! I smiled. "What? Your eyes aren't brown! They're so different and so much brighter than the color brown! Your eyes are the color of fresh made honey! Like gold silk honey!" I smiled at him and he bit his lip looking down at our hands. I wasn't sure if I got him to blush but I found his shyness adorable! "R-Really?" He asked. "Of course!" I giggled. He looked back up at me totally blushing! "Well, your eyes are better a-and even more unique! I've never seen a color so n-naturally pretty!" He stammered out but he said it with passion and it made me blush. "You mean it?" I asked through the heat in my face. He nodded and then smiled. "I know I've said this before Harlequin but you're so sweet!" I said to him. I felt him rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand of which he was holding and he was smiling. It made me happy to see him smile. Maybe he's learning to accept himself-

"thanks but your the sweet one. Your more of what I am. Your strong. Your confident! Your cute A-And h-hot! Y-Your better than me in every way!" He said and stopped rubbing his thumb against my hand. I felt heat in my face come into my cheeks more and more at every compliment. "S-See? You are sweet! Very sweet! You care for what others have to say! You care about what other people think! Everyone always has to come before you! Why Harlequin?? Can't you come first for once?" I asked him. I think I proved my point though. His eyes widened and he had nothing to say. I watched his mouth open multiple times to try and say something but he clearly didn't know how. We turned the hall again as we walked and I began to speak once more.

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